Nigeria: with his skirts and make-up tutorials, the “Beauty Boy” who turns masculinity upside down

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He is affectionately nicknamed “Beauty Boy”: at 22, Enioluwa Adeoluwa has become one of Nigeria’s most famous influencers, occupying a niche that is unexpected to say the least. His videos challenge the notion of masculinity and give advice on makeup and fashion… for men. Its success in a very conservative country is unprecedented.

It all started in November 2020 when Enioluwa posted a video on Instagram in which he applied lip gloss to his lips. The image has gone viral. A year later, “Beauty Boy” has over 335,000 followers on Instagram and almost as many on TikTok, works for international cosmetics companies and hosts a show.

“The positive reactions push me to continue, despite the dangers”

In addition to his videos, he is completing a master’s degree in marketing in Lagos and working as a content creator for a fintech company:

In Nigeria, there was no “beauty” content for men. So I wanted to do something different, allowing me to express my individuality and start conversations about gender norms and masculinity. I think my first video caught the eye because people weren’t used to seeing men wearing makeup.

I posted the video before going to class, and by the time class was over, I had already received thousands of comments. It has gone viral and it shows how far we have yet to go to normalize certain cultural taboos.

Masculinity is often limited to the gendered expectations of the fashion industry. Skirts, dresses, and makeup are for women only, while costumes are for men. But these notions of masculinity are toxic: what about men who don’t want to fit into this box? What about men who want to put on makeup and wear skirts? We should be allowed to wear whatever we want. For this, it is important to break down certain barriers.

I have received a lot of positive feedback. But I have also been the victim of hate speech and intimidation. I have been hassled and received tons of inappropriate questions about my sexual orientation, as well as criticism for wearing makeup and wearing feminine clothes.

The positive reactions urge me to continue, despite the dangers that exist. I did not have personalities to refer to in Nigeria when I was a child. I want to be that person for the younger generations. It is important for people to realize that they are not alone.

In Nigeria, homosexuality is criminalized. In the north of the country, where Sharia law reigns, penalties can officially go as far as public flogging and stoning. Members of the LGBTQ community have already been banged in public. In other states, “offenses” committed by persons of the same sex carry a sentence of 14 years in prison.

a survey carried out in 2017 by The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS), a human rights organization based in Nigeria, showed that 90% of Nigerians support the continued enforcement of anti-gay laws. Enioluwa Adeoluwa continues:

In Nigeria, by law, you are either a woman or a man. There are no other options, and you risk over ten years in prison if you don’t fit into these boxes. Many people therefore live in constant fear and cannot openly express their sexual orientation. They are not protected by any law and are therefore victims of discrimination. I tried to make a name for myself while remaining as low-key as possible so as not to have any problems with the government. Fame also gives me a certain degree of protection.

“The younger generations are exploding the norms regarding sexuality and gender”

Enioluwa Adeoluwa remains optimistic, however:

There is no doubt that the younger generations are exploding the norms when it comes to sexuality and gender. We are now able to find communities of people we can relate to on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. It gave us power, we are no longer alone.

A lot of people still live in fear, the situation is certainly not perfect, but young people are more open and they are starting to allow themselves to be who they want to be. I think my success illustrates this change taking place in society. I put on make-up online while working with large companies … It’s the first time we’ve seen this!

Enioluwa’s work is also important for women. According to one study of the UN, redefining masculinity plays a key role in eradicating gender-based violence. This question is crucial in Nigeria, where more than one in four women aged 25 to 29 have experienced some form of physical violence, according to the United Nations.

1 thought on “Nigeria: with his skirts and make-up tutorials, the “Beauty Boy” who turns masculinity upside down”

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