Is the long Covid mostly in the head? A study is controversial – sputnik international

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researchers, virus, study, patients, symptoms, sars-cov-2 coronavirus

Does the long Covid first have psychological springs? A recent study suggests it but arouses the anger of patients as well as many scientific criticisms of its methodology. A controversy which highlights above all how much this disorder remains vague and ill-defined.

The long Covid is characterized by the persistence of symptoms in a patient with the disease months earlier, including a mild form.

However, these symptoms “could most often be associated with believing to have been infected” by the coronavirus, suggests a study published earlier this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Jama), one of the main medical journals. global.

In other words, the long Covid would be above all psychological, unrelated to the reality of a virus infection, and therefore with physiological sequelae.

The study, coordinated by Cédric Lemogne, head of the psychiatry service at Hôtel-Dieu in Paris, looked at around 25,000 people followed for months by the French public health authorities to assess multiple effects of the Covid.

On the one hand, these people responded to questionnaires, both to say whether they had been ill and whether they were still experiencing symptoms long afterward. On the other hand, the reality of their disease was measured by serological tests to confirm or not an infection a posteriori.

“Cognitive mechanisms”

The study concludes that most of the symptoms associated with long Covid are much more linked to claiming to be a former patient than to having been tested positively, even if these two situations logically overlap a lot.

In patients who complain lasting symptoms, we must therefore seek to “identify cognitive and behavioral mechanisms” and be careful not to “mistakenly attribute to a Covid-19 infection”, conclude the authors.
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Anger immediately rose within associations of patients with long Covid who accuse the study of denying the reality of their disorder by giving it an essentially psychological explanation.

“Dangerous” interpretation

This study gives rise to interpretations “stigmatizing, dangerous and harmful for long Covid (s), especially as they are contested and not recognized by the entire scientific community and international associations”, ruled Thursday, November 11 the French association AprèsJ20, also very virulent against an article in Le Monde relaying this publication.

And the criticisms are far from being the only fact of the patient associations, some of which are calling for the withdrawal from the study. Many researchers have expressed their skepticism about the methodology adopted by this study.

“A serological test (…) is not reliable as a marker of a previous infection”, judges the British virologist Jeremy Rossman, quoted by the organization Science Media Center.

This is the main objection against this study. A serological test is more likely to “miss” a past Covid than to report it in error, which skews the results.

Authors’ response

The authors of the study defended themselves, in Le Monde, by stressing in particular that their research showed an association between a real infection and a lasting symptom: the loss of smell.

According to them, this is proof that their method can distinguish which supposed manifestations of long Covid are actually linked to an infection.

Indeed, this disorder remains very vaguely defined and this controversy also highlights the difficulty in framing research on the subject.

There are many symptoms associated with this disorder, one of which is fatigue or shortness of breath, which makes it difficult to determine to what extent long Covids cover different realities and, let alone, what may be the cause.

In this context, the controversial study of Jama is likely to be instrumentalized “to assert that (the long Covid) is absolutely not a problem”, fears the American doctor F. Perry Wilson, professor at Yale, on the Medscape site.

But, while also showing himself to be very critical of the study, he warns of a fundamental problem regarding the too vague definition of the long Covid.

“We have to realize that with vague symptoms, we get vague diagnoses,” he concludes. “In the absence of more stringent criteria, many people risk receiving a + Covid long + label when they are not affected at all”.

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