Cars and armored cars. Legendary Tatrovka restarts production (photo, video) –

In addition to passenger cars, we will also produce specialized trucks. According to the company, he will operate in Trenčín and plans to employ 150 people within two years.

“We will produce specialized vehicles for power components, exactly according to the client’s requirements, so it will not be a large-scale so-called belt production as we know it from ordinary automobiles, “said Michal Baláž, General Manager of Tatra Defense Slovakia.

VIDEO from IDEB: Tatra will be from Trenčín.

Vehicles suitable for force components will be produced in Považie, mostly with mine protection, the possibility of ballistic protection of the cabin, and various, often specialized superstructures, or with preparation for weapon superstructures. The vehicles will be manufactured on Tatra 815–7 and Tatra Tactic chassis.

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The TATRA brand is well-known and popular in Slovakia. Historically, three Slovak towns are connected with it: Bánovce nad Bebravou, Čadca and Bratislava. From July 1, Trenčín is added to the club of these cities, where the car manufacturer TATRA TRUCKS wants to resume the production of famous trucks, once again become a major regional employer and at the same time a reliable partner of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic.

Tatra on IDEB

Tatra on IDEB

Tatra 4x4 Platform

Armored cabins, Tatra Tactic

Armored cabins, Tatra Tactic

Titus 6x6

Pandur II 8x8

After the end of the start of production and the start of the service, the Trenčín factory also plans to connect with the development capacities of the parent Tatra, which is based in Kopřivnice, Czech Republic. “There is a lot of interest in the Tatras. In addition to production and service, we also plan to actively participate in the development, which will enable us to ensure the entire life cycle of the vehicle, “concluded Baláž.

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