EXTRAORDINARY The Supreme Court ruled: Former Chief of Police Tibor Gašpar a spol. they go out! – Topky.sk

As Alexandra Važanová, a spokeswoman for the Supreme Court, informed today, the T5 Senate “rejected as unfounded the complaint of the prosecutor of the ÚŠP GP SR in the case of the accused PaedDr. Tibor G. et al. G., Róbert K., JUDr. Petr H., Mgr. Mariána Z. and Mgr. Milan M. ” They are prosecuted for the crime of establishing, conceiving and supporting a criminal group.

“The Senate concluded that the contested decision of the Specialized Criminal Court was issued in accordance with the law and did not find any legal reasons for the accused to extend the period of detention, which ends on November 5, 2021,” added Važanová.

Source: TASR / Ján Krošlák

Last week, on October 26, a judge of the specialized criminal court in Banská Bystrica rejected the extension of detention for Tibor Gašpar and took the same position in the case of former NAKA chief Petr Hrašek, former director of the anti-corruption unit Róbert Krajmer and former police officers Marián Zetoch and Milan Mihálik.

The prosecutor filed a complaint against the decision, on which the Supreme Court had to decide by November 5, 2021, as long as the detention was valid for the said five. “The motion submitted by the prosecutor’s office at this stage of the proceedings was not granted to the judge for the preparatory proceedings. However, I made an appeal and lodged a complaint against all the statements concerning the non-compliant proposals. The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic will decide on them in the near future, “ stated the prosecutor of the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Michal Šúrek.

NAKA detained Tibor Gašpar

Source: Vlado Anjel

The proposal to extend the detention also included video-audio recordings, which are supposed to prove the efforts of several people from the environment of politics, business and advocacy to influence the prosecution of the most serious criminal cases.

On October 25, recordings from the cottage near Levice, attended by the head of the Smer-SD party, Robert Fico, and former party vice-chairman and former interior minister Robert Kaliňák, were publicized. Also present was the head of the Bonul security service, Miroslav Bödör, who is the father of Norbert Bödör accused in the Cattle case, as well as lawyers Marek Para and Pavol Gašpar. Pavol Gašpar is the son of the former police chief Tibor Gašpar, while Para legally represents him in the Purgatory case.

archive video

Former police president Tibor Gašpar was detained during last year’s NAKA operation called Purgatory. Along with him, other former high-ranking police officers were also detained. Among them were the director of the anti-corruption unit, Róbert Krajmer, the former head of the NAKA, Peter Hraško, and the former head of the national unit of the financial police, Bernard Slobodník.

The allegations concerned the crime of founding, conspiring and supporting a criminal group, abuse of power by a public official and corruption.

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