CÔTE-D’OR: Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron began their visit to the Hospices de Beaune – infos-dijon.com

The Federal Chancellor of Germany was welcomed by the President of the French Republic for a visit to Beaune, this Wednesday, November 3, before a recital and a reception at the Château du Clos de Vougeot. Updated with photos of the Legion of Honor award ceremony.

On a farewell visit due to the end of her mandate, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany arrived in Beaune, with her husband Joachim Sauer, welcomed by Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, with his wife Brigitte Macron, this Wednesday, November 3, 2021.

The wine capital of Burgundy was chosen by the Élysée as “a city whose historical monuments and wine culture illustrate the richness of French heritage”.

As the Élysée indicates, “this visit comes to close years of fruitful work between the President and the Chancellor in order to strengthen Franco-German bilateral cooperation, marked in particular by the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 2019. , and to contribute to the European project, for example with the proposal of a European recovery plan to respond to the crisis caused by the pandemic, or the initiation of several industrial initiatives in various sectors of the future ”.

Hospices de Beaune and Château du Clos de Vougeot

On the program, welcome in the city center of Beaune, visit of the Hôtel-Dieu of the Hospices Civils de Beaune – including the Grande Salle des Pôvres – and continuation of the trip to the Château du Clos de Vougeot.

There, the military honors will be returned to Angela Merkel then the pianist Alexandre Kantorow will give a recital in the room of the Cellier, where he will perform in particular the sonata n ° 3 of the German composer Johannes Brahms.

Also at the Château du Clos de Vougeot, a reception will be offered by the President of the Republic in the presence of elected officials, former ambassadors of France and Germany and citizens of the Côte-d’Or department.

On this occasion, the President of the Republic and the Federal Chancellor will be inducted into the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin, which since its creation in 1934, celebrates Burgundy, its traditional cuisine, and its wines, as well as Burgundy’s customs and traditions.

Finally, Angela Mekel will receive the insignia of the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor by the President of the Republic, before a dinner between the two couples. As the Élysée emphasizes, “the highest dignity of the order of the Legion of Honor, the Grand Cross embodies the solidity of the Franco-German friendship, maintained by Madame Angela Merkel with the French heads of state. successive since his accession to the Chancellery in 2005 ”.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

Dinner menu at Château du Clos de Vougeot:

Egg meurette
Pâté en croûte, Burgundy truffles and grapes
Charolais beef, tenderloin & braised chuck, potatoes and Gevrey-Chambertin jus
Fresh and matured Burgundy cheeses, buckwheat crisp

The menu is created by Yohann Chapuis, Chef of the Greuze restaurant in Tournus, 1 * Michelin and coach of the France Bocuse d’or 2021 team.

The wines that will be served at the Château du Clos de Vougeot:
– Saint-Aubin 1er cru 2015 Le Charmois, Domaine Picard.
– Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er cru 2014, domain Gavignet.

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