The innkeepers said it clearly: We won’t get rid of the veil in 50 years! Visolajský and Kollár – do not have good news either

The situation in Slovakia is not improving, on the contrary. There are more and more cases every day and on Wednesday we almost exceeded the limit of 5,000 PCR tests. However, according to the head of the Medical Trade Union and doctor Petr Visolajský, infectologist Vladimír Krčméry and mathematician Richard Kollár, the situation will hardly improve. They stated it in the show On the body PLUS.

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“The type of table mountain is starting to change to Mount Everest,” stated Krčméry. In other words, of the relatively similar numbers that resembled a plane in the graphs, the numbers of those infected rose rapidly, resembling a steep mountain. Visolajský, on the other hand, pointed out that although experts know relatively much about the virus itself, this data is missing from human immunity. Therefore, according to him, it is difficult to say how the pandemic will proceed.


However, the trio of experts raised the issue of measures and Christmas. According to Krčméry, each of us should do something to make this year’s Christmas peaceful and lived in a family circle, not in the hospital. He was talking about vaccinations. Kollár also agrees with his statement.

However, he pointed out another bad news. Namely, in December there will be a critical period for seriously ill and elderly people, who preferably received vaccines at the beginning of the year. According to various studies, nine months after the administration of the vaccine is a critical time, and in this group, antibodies and, therefore, protection against coronavirus will begin to drop drastically.

The innkeepers said it clearly:

Source: Getty Images

That is why the Christmas period will be critical in this regard. According to him, therefore, at-risk groups of the population should consider administering a third dose. According to Kollár, massive vaccination of people with the third dose is not necessary yet, however, this possibility will have to be considered in the spring. He also pointed out that during this wave, most Slovaks will encounter coronavirus.

There was also the question of how to motivate people to be vaccinated. Pubs opened the idea of ​​compulsory vaccination of selected groups of the population. However, the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský rejected this idea a few months ago. Kollár pointed out that in terms of population vaccination, we are well below the global average. He compared the current vaccination coverage to that of developing countries.

The innkeepers said it clearly:

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Themba Hadebe, File

However, according to Krčméry, vaccination is not the only way to success. In his opinion, “only” 80 percent, the remaining 20 comply with the rules, such as wearing veils or spacing. He stated that this aspect does not want to be neglected if we want to be successful in the fight against coronavirus.

They also looked at when the third wave curve began to decline. Infectologist Vladimír Krčméry stated that this will happen at Christmas or New Year if risk groups begin to be vaccinated. Subsequently, according to him, we will have two more epidemics – in the spring and autumn of next year. However, he said, if two-thirds of the globe were not vaccinated, these epidemics would return at regular intervals and will continue to do so.

The innkeepers said it clearly:

Source: Reprofoto – Na telo +

However, according to three experts, they need to learn to live at risk and expect 2022 to be similar, but less hospitalizations and coronavirus victims. According to Kollár, it is necessary to take the example of Western countries, where they live a relatively free life thanks to high immunization of the population – either by overcoming or by vaccination. “Just look at the Bratislava region – we live there the future,” Kollár stated. Among other things, the experts looked at when we would experience Slovakia without a coronavirus. However, pubs for people do not have good news. In his opinion, we will not fold the veil for the next 50 years. However, we will not need them all the time, but in enclosed spaces with a high risk of infection, such as airplanes or mass events.

The innkeepers said it clearly:

Source: Reprofoto – Na telo +

Finally, they answered the most pressing question – how much do they get from Bill Gates or George Soros for promoting the vaccination? However, antivaxers will probably not be pleased with their answers – Krčméry said that he and Peter Visolajský are registered at the Office of the Government as volunteers without the right to a salary and, in addition to their permanent income, do not receive money from farms or Gates or Soros.

The innkeepers said it clearly:

Source: Reprofoto – Na telo +

The mathematician Richard Kollár, who lectures at Comenius University at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, responded jokingly to the question. “I’m a civil servant, unfortunately Bill Gates and George Soros don’t support our university, it’s a little sad, because if rich people invested in higher education, it would probably be a little better than we have,” concluded.

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