New MacBook Pros’ battery can easily be replaced again – MacGeneration

iFixit To started its dismantling new MacBook Pros and with a lot to take apart and find out, the job isn’t done yet. However, the specialist site could not miss the news, it is so important to them. For the first time in ten years, a new MacBook Pro features an easy-to-replace battery.

The battery of a 15-inch MacBook Pro from the Retina era, completely glued and very difficult to remove without damaging the modules (image iFixit).

Since 2012 and the first Retina MacBook Pros, Apple had opted for the worst solution if we look at the repairman’s point of view. To save space, the batteries were cut into several modules glued directly to the aluminum of the hull. At the time, the site had not even managed to remove them, for fear of breaking a module, which would have been dangerous. By the way, Apple didn’t just replace the battery on these models, that’s all “ top case ”, The part under the keyboard and trackpad, which needed to be replaced.

The 2021 MacBook Pros are not coming back to the simplicity of those of 2011, where the battery was supplied in the form of a large screwed block. This is no longer possible today, where you need a motherboard with a much more complex shape to integrate the whole cooling system, but also the connectors on both sides. Back then, Macs were designed much more simply, with well-separated rectangular blocks.

However, Apple has taken an idea that has been widespread for several years in its iPhones, but also used in recent MacBook Airs. The batteries of the new MacBook Pro are still integrated in the form of several modules and if they are still glued to the aluminum, it is with a tape of glue that can be pulled out easily thanks to a tab. It is simpler and above all safer, since it is no longer necessary to pull on the modules themselves.

The batteries can be detached more easily from the case, by pulling on this tab (image iFixit).

It’s much better than before, even if the necessary disassembly remains significant. Indeed, the pull tabs are hidden under the trackpad, which implies a big disassembly before getting there. Despite everything, it is a clear improvement that should be commended for the longevity of the machine and the simplicity of repairs when they need to be made.

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