Dara Rolins about the second child: She tried it with him for a while and then … END! – Topky.sk

Dara Rolins is the mother of Laura’s only daughter at the age of 48. She broke up with her father, the musician MatÄ›j Homol, after a tumultuous affair, when they caught him enjoying himself in a van with another. “Why did he shout to the media how much he loves me and wants to have another child with me?” the disappointed singer asked at the time.

Source: Instagram MH

Eventually, however, their relationship shook up and they could get along like Laurini’s loving parents. And after about a year, it burst that Dara already had someone else, Patrik Vrbovsky. Their relationship seemed ideal, but in the end it also lasted only a few years.

After their breakup, many speculated that the reason was the child that Rhythm wanted and the Rolins probably no longer. At present, however, it became clear that there was no categorical rejection. The couple even tried for a child. “At one point, I had a feeling, both my ex-partner and I both had, that we might want a baby. We tried for a while. But we were scattered, we lived a very busy life, ” stated Dara for expres.cz. “I was settled with the fact that Patrik and I probably don’t have a child and we went on. Hell, if we were going together, we talked, and that’s how it happened, ” she added.

Dara Rolins on the other

Source: Facebook DR

And as she revealed, she no longer even wanted a second child. “I don’t want a second child,” she said, but she felt a lot of pressure from the neighborhood. “Then I never felt like it was a pity Laura didn’t have a sibling. I don’t want to have a baby now, nor does Laura require a sibling anymore, “ she said.