CURRENT The Dušičky will end up in the worst phase: we will already have 24 districts in Čierny! –

There will be eight red districts, as well as eight orange districts, ie in the degree of vigilance. At its meeting on Wednesday, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the division of districts according to current risk within the COVID vending machine.

All Souls’ Day will be without restrictions: 5 expert advice! The risk of meeting the positive in the BLACK district is high


In the vigilance phase (orange) will be the districts of Bratislava I.-V., Galanta, Komárno and Šaľa.

In the 1st level of danger (red color) will be the districts of Dunajská Streda, Ilava, Levice, Nové Zámky, Prievidza, Senica, Trnava and Žarnovica.

VIDEO COVID slot machine will not change yet: THESE are the reasons for the experts! In the black districts, the risk of infection is enormous

In burgundy color, ie in the 2nd degree of danger will be the districts of Bánovce nad Bebravou, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica, Brezno, Bytča, Detva, Dolný Kubín, Gelnica, Hlohovec, Kežmarok, Košice I.-IV., Košice-okolie, Krupina, Liptovský Mikuláš, Malacky, Myjava, Nitra, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Partizánske, Pezinok, Piešťany, Považská Bystrica, Prešov, Púchov, Revúca, Rožňava, Senec, Skalica, Trebišov, Trenčín, Turčianske Teplice, Veľký Krtíš, Žiar nad Hronom, Žilina, Zlaté Moravce and the district of Zvolen.

In the worst black color (3rd degree of danger) the districts of Bardejov, Čadca, Humenné, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Levoča, Lučenec, Martin, Medzilaborce, Michalovce, Námestovo, Poltár, Poprad, Rimavská Sobota, Ružomberok, Sabinov, Snina, Sobrance, Spišská Nová Ves, Stará Ľubovňa, Stropkov, Svidník, Topoľčany, Tvrdošín and Vranov nad Topľou.

CURRENT They will end at Dušičky

CURRENT They will end at Dušičky

CURRENT They will end at Dušičky