Bratislava and Košice are finally connected by a highway, opened by Orbán –

In the east of Hungary, they opened a section of the M30 motorway on Tuesday, connecting Miškovec with the Hungarian-Slovak border crossing in Tornyosnémeti. The MTI agency informed about it. The motorway through Hungarian territory is also a motorway connection between Košice and Bratislava.

At the ceremonial handover of the 56.8-kilometer-long motorway section, Róbert Attila, CEO of the National Investment Development Company, reminded that it was part of the connection of the 3,300-kilometer-long section of motorways connecting the Baltic Sea with Romania and the Via Carpatia transport corridor to Greece.

According to him, the M30 motorway, which intersects 13 bridges, six road junctions, three rest areas and several viaducts for game, was built in three stages. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also attended the handover ceremony at Tornyosnémeti. “Without the implementation of the idea of ​​Central European unity, it is not possible to achieve the development of the Hungarian countryside,” he said.

We recently talked with the Minister of Transport Andrej Doležal at HNtelevízia about the problematic motorway junction near Bratislava:

The foundation stone of the M30 motorway, the Hungarian section of the motorway connecting Miškovec with Košice, was laid on 12 March 2018 near the eastern Hungarian village of Sajópálfala. The motorway connects the village of Tornyosnémeti on the Hungarian-Slovak border in the Boršodsko-abovsko-zemplínská county with the M3 motorway near Miškovec. The Slovak section between Košice and the state border has already been built.

The European Union is also contributing to the financing of the HUF 179.3 billion (EUR 518.1 million) project. The motorway is part of the Via Carpatia project, which was adopted by Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia.

It will save half an hour

According to the head of the Transport Research Institute, Ľubomír Palčák, the new road, which will save drivers about half an hour of time, will bring a diversion of part of the traffic from Slovak motorways. “Connecting Bratislava with Košice is not just about someone wanting to go from one city to another. We need to serve the entire territory of the Slovak Republic with this highway, “Palčák pointed out.

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