Other records from the cottage: Fico allegedly intervened so that Kočner would not start cooperating and sink Kaliňák – REFRESHER

Kočner is said to be angry that Erik Kaliňák compares him to Ľudovít Makó.



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At a hunting lodge, Robert Fico talks to Tibor Gašpar’s son about the messages Marian Kočner from prison is sending to members of the Direction. According to lawyer Pavel Gašpar, the promissory note fraudster sentenced to 19 years was hindered when Erik Kaliňák compared him to Ľudovít Makó in a video on Facebook.

According to the son of the prosecuted Tibor Gašpar, Kočner was “terribly disturbed”.

“It simply came to our notice then. Only in such a style that he was slowly going that he was going to cooperate. He threatened there mainly in relation to the older Kaliňák, “ says Pavol Gašpar according to Denníka N.

“Yes, I have to tell him not to do it,” Fico replies.

The chairman of the Direction reacts, but does not answer the question why he is talking to Marian Kočner’s son about Marian Kočner, whom he allegedly does not know and does not have access to. “It was a meeting with lawyers, where we discussed live things and tactics of procedure. You can ask me anything, my question is whether I or this government committed a crime. “ Fico said, adding that he felt liquidated by the government. Robert Fico told reporters that they were making up “beef”.

Source: Aktuality.sk

Robert Kaliňák was also at the cottage, advising on how to testify

Exminister of the Interior on a video published by the portal Aktuality.sk, mentions several possible alternatives to explain the nomination of Ľudovít Makó for the post of head of the Criminal Office of the Financial Administration. In the meantime, he has become a crown witness and claims that people around Robert Kaliňák and Norbert Bödör chose him to become part of the system that committed crime.

Tibor Gašpar’s son suggested that they fit the deceased police ex-president Milan Lučanský, who had committed suicide in custody.

“Today, it is best to say that Lučanský came up with the nomination, who will no longer refute or confirm it, and his father (Tibor Gašpar, editor’s note) with Norom (Bödörom) they basically just arranged the meeting with Imrecz. Because Noro knew Mako from the private sector, his father knew Imrecze again, there was a meeting where he was introduced to Mako, and Mako was on his way. “ says Gašpar Jr. in the video.

Kaliňák finally designed his own version of how Makó really longed for the position.

They said they wanted to shoot bags

On Monday, the Aktuality.sk portal published a camera recording capturing the interviews of Robert Fico, Robert Kaliňák, lawyer Marek Par, son Tibor Gašpar and Miroslav Bödör. They met at a cottage near Levice for several days this year.

According to the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, the video-audio recordings (and their verbatim transcripts) confirm “the efforts of several persons from the political, business and advocacy backgrounds to influence the prosecution of the most serious criminal cases”.

The police have hours of recordings, some of which have not yet been analyzed. Monitoring of the cottage area was allowed by the court in connection with suspicions of poaching.

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