CURRENTLY The trial of Rostas has begun: VIDEO Harabin also came and … The battle almost broke out! –

The Senate of the Supreme Court is dealing with the appeal of Tibor Eliot Rostas, to whom the Special Criminal Court imposed a fine of 4,000 euros or imprisonment for three months. According to the indictment in May 2017, Tibor Eliot Rostás published an article in the magazine entitled Klin Židov mezi Slovanmi, in which he quoted alleged thoughts of various personalities of Slovak history, in which they expressed negative attitudes towards the Jewish community.

Rostas was not allowed to a hearing because he refused to put a veil on the interior of the building. Therefore, only the prosecutor Tomáš Honz, Rostas’s lawyer Ľubomír Hlbočan, the public and the media are at the hearing. The Senate of the Supreme Court decided that the public hearing would be held in the absence of the defendant.

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

CURRENT The trial has begun

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

CURRENT The trial has begun

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Screaming Harabin

The unsuccessful presidential candidate, Stefan Harabin, also came to the Supreme Court to support Rostas. He, like Rostas, refused to put on a veil. He shouted at ZVJS members that they were fascists and were violating his human rights. He used the vocabulary of all opponents of anti-pandemic measures, from apartheid to “null” measures.

CURRENT The trial has begun

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

The summoned members of the Harabina police force warned that they would submit a complaint to the Regional Office of Public Health.