Rome, risk of sanctions for failure to comply with financial fair play

Roma risks sanctions from UEFA with regard to financial fair play. The same Giallorossi club, in the document approving the financial statements as at 30 June 2021, made it known that it had “recorded, based on the final data, a deviation from the UEFA break-even requirements for the reporting period of 4 years. Therefore, the company will be able to be subject to the sending of more economic-financial information and, subsequently, the Club Financial Control Body (CFCB), in charge of the control, may request any contradictory clarifications for the assessments of the case. As the automatic application of a sanction is not predetermined. as a consequence of a violation, and even more so as to what type of sanction, it is not possible today which decision will be taken by the CFCB at the conclusion of the in-depth analysis described above “, explains the Giallorossi club.