Dazn, AgCom: “Urgent intervention to avoid problems for users”

Dazn must avoid the problems that conditioned the vision of Serie A matches in the first days of the championship. This was stated by AgCom, which also launched a procedure to define the quality parameters of the streaming broadcasting services of the matches and to define the thresholds and criteria for the compensation for users. Furthermore, AgCom also recognizes fundamental importance to the question of the survey of audience ratings. AGCOM – The Council of the Authority for Communications, in today’s session, adopted, to protect users, an order against the company Dazn Limited, supplier of the exclusive and co-exclusive live streaming broadcasting service of football matches of the top flight of the Italian league. “The reports received from consumers and associations and the data collected up to now by the Authority regarding the progress of the transmissions have highlighted, in the supply of the service, such criticalities as to make an urgent intervention necessary and no longer postponable – envisaged in the Guidance Act pursuant to resolution no.206 / 21 / Cons – for the protection of Dazn users pursuant to article 2, paragraph 20, letter d) of law no.48 of 14 November 1995, as the voluntary initiatives put forward are currently insufficient existing by the company “, writes the AgCom. With today’s provision “AgCom orders Dazn to adopt any behavior that respects the rights of users by adopting all functional measures to prevent malfunctions of its platform of origin of the television signal transmitted in live streaming and at the same time implementing a customer assistance service effective and efficient, which provides for the possibility of direct contact with a natural person “. The intervention of the Authority “was necessary in consideration of the economic and social value recognized by the football system – writes the Authority for Communications Guarantees – To this is added the right of subscribers to have a viewing experience guaranteed satisfactory, without interruptions and with adequate quality standards considering that Dazn has the exclusive (and co-exclusive) broadcasting of Serie A football matches “. The Authority asked Dazn “to communicate the precautions taken by means of a detailed report within 30 days”. LISTENING – In relation to the audience figures, AgCom has launched an investigation procedure aimed at verifying the adequacy of the methodologies used by Dazn for measuring the audiences of the Serie A football championship in order to ascertain the reliability of the given product. The procedure follows the indications already formulated in the policy act “on the subject of systems for detecting audience ratings in the new digital ecosystem”, (with resolution no. 194/21 / Cons), also referred to by the resolution, approved last 22 September at the Chamber of Deputies in the Transport Commission. In this sense, the Authority looks with interest and favor at the recent initiatives adopted by Upa. The association, recalling the Authority’s policy act, presented the guidelines relating to the integration of audience measurement systems and promoted a discussion table on the detection of audience ratings on mass media, with the goal of defining a shared path of cooperation and integration of such research.