Manfredi (Fipav): “Satisfied in part by Cts, the company needs an extra step”

“I learned the news of the CTS decision on the expansion of the public in the sports halls with satisfaction, even if not total, because I would like, for the movement I represent, something more. I do not compare the situation of the sports halls with respect to the outdoor facilities. but if we analyze other indoor situations, such as theaters and cinemas, I am not satisfied “. These are the words of the president of Fipav Giuseppe Manfredi at Adnkronos, commenting on the favorable opinion of the CTS for the expansion to 50% of the capacity in sports arenas and 75% in stadiums, while for theaters, cinemas and concert halls 100% capacity if outdoors and 80% indoors. “I know the seriousness of the clubs in my movement, I know that they operate in full compliance with the rules and the law. I must also emphasize that what the State decides is respected, but on the other hand, just look at the images of the Under21 Volleyball World Cup. Cagliari with distancing, stewards and green passes, to understand that more can be done. I am sure that if we were given the possibility of a greater number of people in the sports halls, all the clubs would comply with the rules without any problem, as there are none. have been up to now “, continued the Federvolley number one who yesterday with the two national men’s and women’s teams was received at the Quirinale by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella and by Prime Minister Mario Draghi.” progress, that there is an improvement, but as federal president I still cannot be completely satisfied. I would like a further step forward because our societies need it. to survive. We need one more step, give us the opportunity to test ourselves “, concluded Manfredi.

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