Death Boiocchi, Abodi: “Unacceptable forced exodus Curva Nord Inter”

“I informed myself, what happened is unacceptable, not tolerable. I am sure immediate action will be taken. Not just words!”. Thus on Twitter the Minister of Sport and Youth Policies Andrea Abodi regarding the events of last night at San Siro with the forced exodus from the Curva Nord at the beginning of the second half of Inter-Sampdoria, after the announcement of the death of the historian head ultrà Vittorio Boiocchi, killed in an ambush yesterday evening in Milan. Read also “The Curva Nord mourns the death of Vittorio, for all ‘Lo Zio’. In these interminable moments of darkness and pain it is only time for silence. Our condolences to the family” wrote the Curva Nord of Inter, on its own Facebook page.