Water polo, SIS Roma at the Italian Cup finals

SIS Roma wins group A of qualification for the Italian Cup Finals. In the challenge for the first place he overcomes Waterpolo Trieste for 15-6. Meanwhile, next Saturday 22 October the top league starts, the first match again with the Triestine will be at the “Babel” swimming pool (7 pm) the sports center at Infernetto (Via Traetta n ยฐ 70) where the Roman team La SIS has moved Rome starts off on the right foot. She qualifies with full points for the women’s waterpolo Italian Cup finals and with great authority she imposes herself in her group, already showing a good understanding reached. Twice, with Brizz and Como, she scores 21 goals, overwhelms the hosts of Florentia for 17-1 and finally celebrates with Trieste, winning the challenge for first place for 15-6. throws water on the fire and remembers: โ€œโ€ฆ. at this moment we have shown that we have something more than our opponents, but we must also show it in the finals. Winning now is moral and serves to do well also in the rest of the Cup, but the road is still long, I am satisfied but aware that we are only at the beginning. In the semi-final of the Cup, for example, due to the crossings, we will most likely have to deal with Orizzonte Catania, the reigning Italian champion. Then there is the Plebiscito Padova which won the other grouping. For the championship I would also include Trieste and Rapallo itself. “The championship in the meantime is upon us and in the first two days the Roman team will face Trieste and will then face the away match in Rapallo, a double test to be taken with the soft, despite the cup victory with the Friulians, they are two tough opponents and not at all compliant. โ€œI repeat what I said in recent days. – continues Capanna – It is a championship leveled at the top. I am convinced of our means and that we can still improve our performance. The young women we have included in the first team are doing well. In Florence, for example, we made up for the absence of the important player Sofia Giustini (injured in training), we finished well in defense and especially today, in the match against Trieste who had not played in the morning, I wanted to understand the state of girls shape. Two games within a few hours with Serie A1 associations are an important test that we have passed with flying colors. I am also satisfied with Andrews, the Australian who strengthened our squad, who showed the right mental attitude and a great ability to adapt to different roles. It was his first official outing in Italy, he showed the right character and attitude, it will be very useful for the whole Championship “. ๐๐€๐‘๐“๐ˆ๐“๐€ ๐๐€๐‘๐“๐ˆ๐“๐€ ๐Ÿ๐๐ซ๐ข๐ณ๐ณ ๐๐ฎ๐จ๐ญ๐จ – ๐’๐ˆ๐’ ๐‘๐จ๐ฆ๐š โ€ข 2-21 โ€ข (1-4, 0-4, 1-5, 0 -8) Brizz Swimming: Santapaola, Sapienza 1, Vitaliania, Pastanella, Archdeacon, Spampinato, Cappello, Milicevic, Russo, Santoro, Giuffrida 1, Trevor, Paladin. All.ZillerSIS Rome: Eichelberger, Cocchiere 1, Galardi 4, Misti, Papi 2, Ranalli 3 (1 rig.), Picozzi 1 (rig.), Tabani 6, Nardini 1, Di Claudio 2, Carosi, Andrews 1, Galbani. Herds Capanna Referees: Ferrari and Rovida Exits due to the limit of fouls: Milicevic (B) and Carosi (S) in the third half. Numerical superiority: Brizz 1/11 and SIS Roma 6/8 + 3 penalties. ๐…๐ฅ๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐š – ๐’๐ˆ๐’ ๐‘๐จ๐ฆ๐š โ€ข 1-17 โ€ข (0-6, 0-4, 0-6, 1-3) RN Florentia: Banchelli, Gabelli, Lepore, Cordovani, Barbieri, Vittori, Nesti 1, Giattini, Osti, Merli, Capaccioli, Pantani. All CottiSIS Rome: Eichelberger, Cocchiere, Galardi, Micati, Papi, Ranalli 4, Picozzi 1, Tabani 4 (1 rig), Nardini 1, Di Claudio, Aprea, Andrews 7 (1 rig.), Galbani. Herds Capanna Referees: Nicolosi and Castagnola Exit due to foul limit: Merli (F) in the fourth half Numeric superiority: Florentia 0/7 + a penalty and SIS Rome 4/8 + 2 penalties๐“๐€๐๐„๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐๐Ž ๐๐€๐‘๐“๐ˆ๐“๐€ 3SIS Rome – Como Swimming โ€ข 21-7 โ€ข (7-0, 6-3, 5-2, 3-3) SIS Rome: Eichelberger, Cocchiere 3, Galardi 2, Fava, De Luca 1, Ranalli 4 (1 rig.), Picozzi 2, Tabani 3, Nardini 1 , Di Claudio 1, Troncanetti 1, Andrews 3, Galbani. All. CapannaComo Swimming: Frassinelli, Cattaneo, Fisco, Tedesco 2, Borg 1, Giraldo, Bianchi, Romanรฒ 1, Lanzoni 1, Cassano 1, Radaelli 1, Volpato. All. Pisano Referees: Nicolosi and Piano Notes: No exit due to the limit of fouls. Numerical superiority: Rome 6/9 + 1 penalty, Como 1 / 4.๐“๐€๐๐„๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐๐Ž ๐๐€๐‘๐“๐ˆ๐“๐€ 4 Polo polo Trieste-SIS Rome โ€ข 6-15 โ€ข (2-5, 1- 2, 2-4, 1-4) Trieste water polo: Sparano, Vomastokova, De March 1, Sblattero, Marussi, Cergol, Klatowski, Colletta 1, Zizza, Vukovic, Riccioli 3, Santapaola 1, Ingannamorte. All. ZizzaSIS Rome: Eichelberger, Aprea, Galardi 1, Carosi, Ranalli 2, Picozzi 2, Tabani 3, Nardini 4, Di Claudio, Cocchiere, Andrews 3 (1 rig.), Galbani. Herds CapannaArbitri: Piano and CastagnolaOutputs due to fouls limit: Vukovic (T) and Di Claudio (S) in the fourth timeSuperiority numbers: Trieste 3/9 and SIS Rome 5/9 + a penalty Read the news on the Asi website.

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