Jules Verne Trophy, new record attempt for maxi-trimaran Sails of Change

Yann Guichard and Dona Bertarelli together with nine crew members of the maxi-trimaran ‘Sails of Change’ will once again face the incredible challenge of the Jules Verne Trophy, the record attempt to circumnavigate the world by crew, without assistance and without stop. . A unique sporting and human challenge, the result of years of work that promotes a strong message for the conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The stand by scheduled for October 24 represents the beginning of this new, magnificent adventure for Sails of Change. The countdown will then start on Monday 24 October. It is the moment in which he waits, analyzing the weather conditions and which, at the same time, projects the team towards an immense challenge. The target? Conquering the Jules Verne Trophy, fighting against time to try to lower the record of 40 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes, now held since 2017. “It is an absolute sporting goal, an extraordinary record, a difficult time to beat, which is has been halved in the space of 30 years “, comments Yann Guichard. For the Spindrift team, 2022 was a particularly challenging year. First of all for participation in the six events of the TF35 Trophy, a unique annual championship that offers a mix of regattas in the open sea and in lakes all over Europe. Spindrift finished the 2022 season in 3rd place. At the same time, training aboard the maxi-trimaran has multiplied. “Surely there are always small improvements to be made – explains Yann Guichard. – but the boat is ready and I feel that the team is impatient to let go of its moorings ”. From the start of the stand-by, as soon as there is a favorable weather window, the maxi-trimaran based in La Trinité-sur-Mer will be ready to reach Brest, from where the challenge will start. “Our adventure is not only human and sporting – declares Yann Guichard – We are committed to uniting our philanthropic activities and the values ​​dear to us for the protection of the ocean and the earth, a message that Dona has already transmitted to the Spindrift program. during our first attempt in 2015 “.” For 20 years I have been involved in the creation of large marine protected areas and the safeguarding of biodiversity – adds Dona Bertarelli – The close link between the health of the oceans, the climate and our health is now certain “. Since last year, the members of the Spindrift team have been preparing this record attempt around the world without fossil fuels, a “challenge within the challenge – adds Yann – There will therefore be no heat engine to guarantee the functioning of the electronics, of the means of communication, the desalinator and water heating for food. To remedy this lack, we have solar panels, two wind turbines and a methanol fuel cell on board “. Together with Yann Guichard and Dona Bertarelli, reporter on board , there are nine other people ready to leave for the challenge at the Jules Verne Trophy. “Some have been part of the project for years and others have joined us more recently, emphasizes the skipper. We have an experienced team of racers, and ocean-going with which we share commitment and solidarity. “” I am very happy to share this adventure with Dona, who was already on board during our first circumnavigation of the globe, in 2015-2016. Her presence brought it will add value to a great sporting challenge ”, added Dona Bertarelli.

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