Tokyo 2020, blue and gold athletics: “Italians do it better”

“Italians do It Better”. Antonio La Torre, manager of Italian athletics, enjoys the excellent results at Tokyo 2020. Five golds for an extraordinary budget. “I think it is the very hard result obtained in these two and a half years, we have managed to compact this environment, to deprive it of the culture of the alibi”, he says. Read also “Jacobs if he remains Jacobs, the one of today, he can reach Paris while continuing to be the sprinter to beat”, he says referring to Marcell Jacobs, who after the gold in the 100 meters dragged the 4×100. Did the results go beyond expectations? “It’s too easy to say now, I was thinking of Tamberi’s gold, I expected Jacobs to get on the podium, we took it for granted. And my usual job is to keep the gear hidden, I did it with Brugnetti, Stano and Palmisano : we gave them on the podium and I dreamed of the Golden Palmisano because she is the lady of the march and she deserves it all. “Suspicions and insinuations about Jacobs have arrived from the United States. “The controversy of some US media? If I were in the place of the American technical director I would ask myself some questions. Apart from this free controversy there is a lot of work to do. The strongest sprinters in the world do not qualify with the relay, they do not win i 100-200-400. Is it always the fault of others? “.