From scooters to Serie B, Helbiz takes the field

Helbiz, an innovative company with micro mobility in its core business – operates scooters, bicycles and electric mopeds in around 40 cities around the world, including Alexandria, Arlington, Atlanta, Miami, Milan, Rome and Washington – expects to rapidly roll out the bouquet of presences around the West and in Italy. Launched in 2016, it continues to invest in our country, despite having taken deeper and deeper roots in the US. The founder, Salvatore Palella, who moves between the operational headquarters in New York City and that of Milan, in via Moscova, right in front of the American consulate, in 2021 estimates to achieve revenues of over 80 million dollars and aims to increase them by over 50% in the next three years. The merger with Spac GreenVision Acquisition Corp. will ensure the company’s listing on Nasdaq very soon. And the new Helbiz Kit chen is also part of the growth plan, a side business that is the mix of direct food production and delivery. But the ecosystem based on sustainable mobility can also count on Helbiz Media and Helbiz Live for a few weeks, an advertising structure and a streaming offer that are an integral part of the overall bouquet. Helbiz Media rose to the honors of the sports and economic news when, surprisingly, it was awarded a portion, dedicated to streaming, of the TV rights of Serie B, which also ended up in Sky and Dazn. On the track with Helbiz Media, there are two long-time managers from the world of TV and sport, certainly aware of the mechanisms, the logic and also of the unwritten rules of the football environment that created the business: Matteo Mammì, who for many years he was responsible for Sky (in the era of Andrea Zappia) of sports rights, became CEO of Helbiz Media which he will report to Palella, and Emanuele Floridi, advisor very well established in the football business, who will collaborate as strategic consultant. “I hear it repeated that companies must always move with the consumer at the center and I see this reaffirmed by many as if it were a great novelty. The reality is that it is an immortal principle of marketing. It is true, however, that the availability of increasingly profiled data, the possibility of using artificial intelligence software in an increasingly effective way, the increasingly ‘mobile’ and free logic with which consumers move mean that brands become even more It is important, when you have a loyal customer base, and perhaps very precise and defined like ours, to be able – in addition to maintaining it by serving it well – also to make it grow, to interpret its new needs, trying to occupy as large a space as possible in habits and expense items ”, explains Matteo Mammì in Prima Comunicazione. “” Ours is nothing more than a creative variant of the Amazon model with Prime “.” Series B means the possibility of addressing in a very specific way the people who are our potential customers in 20 important cities of the beautiful country, many of which are not yet covers. Obviously it is not an automatic mechanism, in the various locations you have to participate in tenders and win the tenders called by the municipalities. But it is certainly a good way to present oneself both to the institutional interlocutor, to the decision-makers and to those who influence them, and to the audience of final users, citizens and fans above all ”, Emanuele Floridi underlines.