Jacobs and Tamberi d’oro. And Bragagna superstar

After the blue medals, the ‘petition’ to reward Bragagna, for decades the face and voice of athletics for Rai “Gold Medal to Franco Bragagna”, starts on Twitter. Not only Marcell Jacobs and Gianmarco Tamberi. After the blue gold medals in the 100 meters and in the high jump in Tokyo 2020, the ‘petition’ to reward Franco Bragagna, the face and voice of athletics for Rai for decades, starts on Twitter. Bragagna accompanied millions of viewers on the historic day of Italian sport, keeping the fans glued to the screen between the semifinals of the 100 meters (with Jacobs’ 9 “84, European record set by” an inhabitant of the boot “), the long adventure of Tamberi on the platform and Jacobs’ memorable last show: “I would not want to leave this station anymore, because I am afraid that someone will wake me up, all sweaty, and tells me that it was all a dream that I lived”, the words of Bragagna that bounce from one tweet to another.