Inter, Inzaghi: “Referees? Episodes compensate in the end”

“I believe that, in the end, in the span of a championship the episodes in favor and against each other”. Simone Inzaghi, Inter coach, on the eve of the match against Roma thus answers the questions about the referees and the latest episodes that characterized the Nerazzurri’s matches. In particular, he did discuss the cancellation of a Milan goal in the last Italian Cup derby. “The great satisfaction is to have reached another final, then in my opinion we have one of the best refereeing class in Europe, for many years I have been coaching in Europe between the Champions and Europa League and I say that we are lucky to have such a refereeing class. I believe that, in the end, in the space of a championship the episodes in favor and against each other “, says Inzaghi. “The victory with Milan gave us a lot of conviction, it gave us another final. We never lost, we collected less than we could in a certain period, now we have to finish in the best way”, he adds. “We know that there is a month to go and we have many close matches. We will always have to prepare ourselves as best we can, play a race and determination match against Roma. We will find opponents who will create difficulties for us”, says Inzaghi. “Rome, recovery with the team. Bologna, Udinese: it’s a very important week for us “, he says thinking about the calendar. We need to be very lucid in preparing so many races in a single week, but we have already been through that. With the Super Cup final, the Coppa Italia final and the Champions League round of 16 we reach 52-53 matches. Six finals await us from here to the end. Playing always is not a bad thing, we are going to play a final for which we have given all of ourselves. We would have liked to play the Bologna match when we had to play, but the pandemic did not allow it and now we are going to enter this season finale. Luckily I have an experienced player, who can also recover mentally from every effort. “