Sport, presented the book by Silvia Salis

On the occasion of the VI edition of the Bracco Group competition “Woman Sport – The best athlete at school”, which enhances young people capable of best combining school commitment and competitive activity, the book “The strongest girl of the world ”by Silvia Salis, Olympic hammer throwing athlete and Deputy Vice President of Coni, the first woman to fill this role. “Reading this volume I am convinced that Silvia and I believe in exactly the same values: I too, like her, think that there are no male and female things, but only dreams in which to believe; and I have applied this same philosophy in the field of STEM, because the scientific disciplines, so requested by the labor market, must not be the prerogative of men ”, says Diana Bracco, President and CEO of the Bracco Group. “Sporting activity is above all a unique opportunity for boys and girls to mature, improve, compare each other, learning every day the values ​​of respect for others, loyalty and sacrifice, and this is the reason why our company invests always in this field. Even more so in difficult times of distancing and lockdown, sport becomes an essential tool for aggregation, cohesion and social inclusion. “” Since I stopped being an athlete – says Silvia Salis – I seemed to see still too many disparities between the consideration of girls and boys in regards to sport and life. I also thank the Bracco Group for its commitment in the Donna Sport competition which links sport, culture and planning for the future “. The presentation of the book was attended by: Letizia Caccavale, President of the Council for Equal Opportunities of the Lombardy Region, Franco Angelotti, President of Bracco Atletica, Ludovica Galuppi, athlete, under 18 Italian champion and record holder, the author Silvia Salis and the journalist Gaia Piccardi.