Italian Naval League, the logo of 125 years of history

This year the Italian Naval League, founded on 2 June 1897 in La Spezia by the sailor and writer Augusto Vittorio Vecchi (aka Jack la Bolina), turns 125. To better remember this important anniversary, the National Presidency of the LNI has decided to create a celebratory logo that will accompany all the associative activities in the course of 2022. Next to the historic LNI symbol stands the inscription 125, accompanied by the Italian flag with the emblem in the center. of our navy. Surrounding everything, there are the four founding principles that have moved the work of the Italian Naval League for over a century: sport, solidarity, culture and the environment. Words that significantly stand out on the new logo like the waves of the sea. A logo that, in addition to celebrating 125 years, wants to remember the constitutive values ​​and the mission of the Italian Naval League, which every day pursues the aim of spreading the seafaring spirit, knowledge of maritime problems, love for the sea and for sport, commitment to the protection of the marine environment and inland waters. A commitment made possible by the support of over 51,000 ordinary members and about 260 peripheral structures between Sections and Delegations present throughout the national territory. The National President of the LNI, Adm. Donato Marzano, commented: “The mission of the Italian Naval League remains very current after 125 years: putting the sea at the center of the interests of a nation with a maritime vocation such as Italy for history, economic and commercial interests, social aspects of solidarity boating, sports and environmental protection, I believe it is even more necessary in these recent years characterized by a global pandemic and dramatic international crises. The sea and its potential can make the difference in the restart but it is also up to us to sensitize institutions, public opinion, organizations and federations, the world of work and school, the people. To do this, it is necessary to be able to count on the attention of the country for its public body and an association that relies exclusively on the contribution of its members “.