Coppa Italia, Juve-Fiorentina 2-0: bianconeri in the final against Inter

Juventus beat Fiorentina 2-0 in the second leg of the Coppa Italia and qualified for the final: the bianconeri will face Inter on 11 May in Rome. Allegri’s team overcame the Viola – beaten 1-0 in the first leg in Florence – thanks to goals scored by Bernardeschi in the 32 ‘and by Danilo in the 95’. The verdict came at the end of a match that the Tuscans started with their foot on the accelerator, creating a colossal chance in the 5 ‘. Scrum in the Juventus area, Torreira’s conclusion and save on the line. Juve tried to take advantage of the spaces granted by the Italian team and in the 14th minute went close to the advantage with Vlahovic: an excellent intervention by Dragowski. The balance jumped in the 32nd minute. Cross from the left, an uncertain exit by Dragowski and rejected by Biraghi, who headed for Bernardeschi. Chest control, flying left and ball in the net: 1-0. Fiorentina took the blow and started again, nearly equalizing in the 42nd minute. Bad disengagement of De Sciglio, who let Cabral blow the ball into his own area. The purple attacker concentrated and fired right: too central, Perin rejected. The Juventus goalkeeper was instrumental in starting the second half in the 52nd minute, when he neutralized a close header from Martinez. Juve suffered for the first quarter of an hour of the second half, then gradually pulled their heads out of their shells and gained the pitch. Zakaria frightened Fiorentina in the 57th minute by splintering the intersection with a shot from a tight angle. On the other hand, a purple chance on a free-kick: Biraghi’s perfect left foot (or almost) in the 67th minute, the ball within an inch of the post. At 70 ‘, Juventus doubled: control by Rabiot and a precise left foot, all useless. Network canceled by the Var for offside. In the final, Fiorentina threw themselves forward in search of at least the essential goal to reopen the games. Juve took advantage of the prairies to close the accounts in the 95th minute. Cuadrado escaped to the right, assist for Danilo and comfortable support: 2-0, Juve in the final.