Ukraine, Bubka: “I am heartbroken for my people”

“I am heartbroken for my Ukrainian and my people. I am doing everything to bring peace, I am for peace, and to save my people.” This was stated by the president of the Ukrainian Olympic Committee, Sergej Bubka, who barely holds back tears, in a conference at Acqua Acetosa, after visiting the Kiev athletes hosted by Italian sport. “I want to express my gratitude to my Italian friends, the Italian people. Italy is helping Ukraine in an incredible way. I have never met such solidarity in my life,” added the former Olympic champion in cross-country skiing. auction. “When the war broke out I told myself that it was not possible, it was a shock. The country where you were born is your country: I was born in the Soviet Union but I am Ukrainian”, added Bubka. “Yesterday I visited the symbolic sports facilities of the Italian Olympic movement and, therefore, also the stadium where in 1984 in the first competition after the Los Angeles Olympic Games, capitalism and socialism met”, added the former jumping champion. with the auction which on the future he then added: “Dialogue is important for the future. The Ukrainian people love peace. This is my first conference since the war began, I have spent all kinds of energy helping our athletes. It seemed this war could never happen. But it is important that we are not alone. The whole Olympic movement is with Ukraine. “” Here you will always find what you need, and we are happy that this is happening. Always consider the Olympic training center as your second home, even if we don’t want it to become one forever since we know how much you want to return to your country “, said the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, to the Ukrainian athletes and to the president of the Ukrainian Olympic Committee Sergey Bubka, on a visit to Rome with the Minister of Sport Vadym Guttasait to meet fellow fencing, rowing and taekwondo fellow guests in Italy due to the current conflict at Acqua Acetosa. “We are proud that Italy is the nation that hosts more Ukrainian athletes currently, the most important thing is the concept of Olympic solidarity “.” Last night I spoke with President Draghi, I explained to him what we are doing for Ukrainian athletes, he is proud and proud “, added Malagò . “Today we are gathered here to meet a group of Ukrainian athletes who are training in Italy. In recent weeks I have already happened to be alongside presidents of sports federations, while they welcomed girls and boys from this country, severely tested by the war. It is nice to be able to say that sport is also solidarity. Sport, in fact, is capable of demonstrating that its values ​​speak a universal language that overcomes economic, linguistic, religious and gender differences “, undersecretary for sport Valentina Vezzali underlined in a press conference addressing Ukrainian athletes.