Digital helps physical activity, 6 tech ideas to get back in shape

Lack of motivation is one of the main obstacles to physical activity, but new stimuli and ideas are coming from technology. In time to get back in shape before the summer. Almost half of Italians, for example, would do more sport by being able to combine face-to-face lessons with online courses with their trusted trainer. Not only that: he would renew his subscription first if he could buy it from a smartphone. To say it is a survey carried out by Sportclubby, the main platform for booking sports and wellness, used by over 700 thousand sportsmen in 800 centers throughout Italy. If digital facilitates access to sport, its impact is even stronger when it allows us to find what we are looking for. And this year, according to data from Sportclubby, there will be above all activities capable of combining physical and mental well-being (46%). Not only that: 1 Italian out of 3 wants an increasingly inclusive sport, with lessons designed for different age groups and suitable for any type of build. Finally, 10% struggle to combine sport with child management and would train more if they could do it at the same times as their families. Behind these needs are the main causes of a sedentary lifestyle, but here are 4 innovative ideas to get around them and prepare for a spring full of movement: – The more you walk, the more you earn. Thanks to the Step application of Young Platform, a platform that simplifies access to the world of cryptocurrencies, you can ‘redeem’ your steps, earning small sums. And so the treadmill will no longer be a problem. The app proposes different challenges and assigns tokens to achieve the objectives. It is also possible to challenge other users to climb positions in the community ranking. But this is not the only interesting aspect: while doing sports, in fact, even newbies can approach crypto themes, through simple tutorials and an easy to understand platform. And so, you stay fit, learning something new.-Train with video games. The last frontier of training are exergame. Through virtual and augmented reality challenges, they allow you to exercise, monitor your performance and challenge other users. Thanks to AR viewers we can live immersive, very dynamic and engaging experiences. Thus, while we burn calories, we also earn rewards and points for progress in the game, developing a positive ‘addiction’ to sport. An example? BoxVR, with lessons conceived by the best fitness experts, allows you to “pull” and train the arms, with the addition of weights to the wrists, but also to move and lower on the legs to dodge blows and obstacles.-Smart fitness for hire. In order not to lose the motivation (but not even the salary!), It is possible to test the most innovative and expensive tools with new, more accessible rental formulas. Webidoo Store, for example, allows you to touch products and try new training experiences, before deciding whether to buy them. The first experience store is located in Milan Porta Nuova, but those who live in other areas can activate online rental on the platform and have fun with futuristic equipment. Do not miss the new high-tech products such as the Vitruvian Trainer +, the Ironman upgrade of the classic gym bench and the SmartRope, the ultra-technological rope that automatically detects training data via the app. Or, for bodyweight exercises, there are the BalaBangles, the wearable accessories that combine functionality and high performance with a sophisticated and contemporary aesthetic. -Online courses for everyone. Zoom, social, app. Digital sport now has dozens of different options, available 24/7. Whether taught by your trusted trainer, available for free on social media or accessible from home fitness platforms, online courses don’t just appeal to those who appreciate greater flexibility of place and time. “Many give up physical activity, because they are not comfortable with their body or do not like the comparison at the level of performance”, explains Stefano De Amici, Cpo and co-founder of Sportclubby. “For some, training in front of the PC, in the living room or in the park, is the best compromise to overcome any delay and make movement. In the last two years we have helped hundreds of Italian centers to digitize themselves to offer everyone this possibility ”, he adds.-Run with your dog. Even the usual walk with Fido can turn, for both, into an opportunity to burn calories and let off steam. In the countryside or in the park, thanks to smart devices with integrated GPS to be applied to our best friend’s collar, it is possible to run freely together without fear of getting lost. Tractive also has an associated app that not only allows you to track your dog’s location at any time, but also to measure distances and performance and be notified if it leaves a safe area or enters a forbidden area. even at the restaurant. And if we put a cross on physical activity, just register your food identity card ( and then identify, wherever we are, the restaurant, bar or trattoria that offers light dishes in line with the goals we have set ourselves. The MyCia app is in fact the largest Italian portal of online menus, all filterable according to dietary needs and intolerances and visible with the nutritional values. a very valid help to avoid unnecessary temptations and go without fail, for a lunch break, a dinner or a nutritionist-proof delivery.