Inter-Milan, Pioli: “Derby Coppa Italia will not affect the league”

“We know very well what our path in the league must be.” Milan and Inter are playing for the Scudetto. Tomorrow, meanwhile, the derby will be staged for the return of the semi-finals of the Italian Cup after the 0-0 first leg. For the Rossoneri coach Stefano Pioli, tomorrow’s match will not affect the championship. “I don’t think tomorrow’s derby is decisive in this sense,” he said on the eve of the match. “We focus everything on team play, the more united you are and the more willing you are to sacrifice yourself for your teammates. We had a very nice day together, we took the opportunity to be together with the families and the Club, which always supports us. From here to the end. we have to try to win them all, the team is very focused and motivated, this positive energy will have to accompany us “, he adds.” We will have to read the game well and the details will be decisive. Within the match we will find moments in which to accelerate and others in which to slow down . Inter, in the open field, can be dangerous and we will have to be good at managing the ball in the best possible way, “added Pioli who explained that” not conceding a goal is a factor, it surprises me a little. because we always take some risks defending on the open field, but the growth of the whole team has been important. Tomorrow evening the application, intensity and concentration will have to be at a high level “. On the conditions of the injured, Pioli added that” for Calabria and Romagnoli we will see today, Davide should train, Alessio has not yet joined the team but today’s training will be decisive for him too. Gabbia came out tired but he is fine and he will be there tomorrow. Rebic? Ante is fine and has the qualities to be decisive, but every player must take the field with the mentality that every ball can be the most important. “” We know very well what our path in the league must be and I don’t think tomorrow’s derby be decisive in this sense. We must try to win them all regardless of what happens in the Italian Cup. All past experiences have allowed us to become a more aware team, those with Inter in the season were all difficult matches, the details will make the difference tomorrow, “said Pioli.” Our attitude against Inter is always been very similar, the fact remains that it is difficult not to leave them dangerous situations. They have positions that will force us to run a lot, but we have a strategy that we will try to bring into the field in the best possible way “, explained the Rossoneri coach who underlined on the possible choices:” I believe that for our defensive phase, and for Inter’s qualities, covering Brozović’s zone is important. So it is more likely that one between Kessie and Krunić will play there rather than Díaz. It’s lucky for a manager to have smart players like Rade, but not just him. If you are careful in the training sessions you know very well what to do in each position, he can play in any position and he will be useful to us tomorrow night. “” Hernández and Saelemaekers? Theo has great qualities but he has to be more careful about losing fewer balls when he brings the ball into the field. Alexis as a full-back is currently not a solution from the start but he can be one while the game is in progress “, concluded Pioli.