Costa: ‘Children must grow up with the culture of sport’

“The pandemic has highlighted the importance of sport and physical activity for our children. I am thinking of the fragile categories for which sport is a way out of problems. Children must grow up with the culture of sport”. This was stated by Andrea Costa, undersecretary at the Ministry of Health, on the occasion of the digital event ‘Sport at the center of the country’s restart – Hypotheses and perspectives for a cultural revolution’ promoted by ASI, Italian Sports and Social Associations, in collaboration with Adnkronos Communication and Ciwas. “I hope that sport is one of the themes that unite politics – continued Costa – we must return to investing and not delegating to volunteers and associations, even if they do an extraordinary job. The state cannot abdicate and must intervene and invest because sport becomes a culture “. The Undersecretary then underlined the importance, “that in elementary schools there is the presence of teachers who teach that sport is also respect for the rules, socializing and creating relationships”.