Djokovic at the Foro Italico without vaccine, case and controversy

The eventual presence of Novak Djokovic at the Internazionali d’Italia at the Foro Italico in Rome becomes a coincidence. The Serbian tennis player, as is known, is not vaccinated and has no intention of receiving the vaccine. At the Foro Italico, the number 1 in the world could play with a simple basic green pass. “The current regulations do not provide for the practice of individual, non-contact and outdoor sports, including tennis, the obligation of the super Green Pass. There has never been talk of granting an exemption to tennis player Nole Djokovic, but only reiterated what the current legislation is “, report the offices of the Undersecretary for Sport, Valentina Vezzali, who yesterday already addressed the issue.” They do not convince me. the reasons with which Undersecretary Vezzali said that Djokovic will be able to participate in the “tennis” Internationals in Rome. There are rules that must be respected as long as they are there. I believe that “creating” gaps “, allowing” exceptions, ends up giving the wrong messages. I believe that we must all be equal in the face of rules, norms. And whoever has a large following, who can give us a hand in this work, must set a good example even more. So I am against Djokovic’s presence at the Rome Internationals “, Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa said today on Radio 24 on ’24 Mattino ‘.