Messi and the barbecue, anti Covid protocol violated? Investigation

Lionel Messi will be investigated by the Spanish Liga (LFP) following an alleged violation of the health protocols imposed by the coronavirus. According to Spanish media, Messi has invited teammates and their respective partners to his home following Sunday’s 3-2 win over Valencia for a celebratory barbecue. While he was seen as another example of Messi seemingly happy again in Barcelona after his attempt to leave last year, the apparent gathering also attracted the wrong kind of publicity. The local government has imposed restrictions that prohibit gatherings of more than six people. “Family and social gatherings and / or gatherings, both in the public and private sectors, are allowed as long as the maximum number of six people is not exceeded, except in the case of cohabitants”, states the Catalan legislation. “However, it is recommended that family and social gatherings and / or meetings that take place in enclosed spaces, including homes, are limited as much as possible and limited to visits to dependent or vulnerable people and who always come from the same coexistence bubble. The LFP is examining the allegations against Messi in an attempt to understand if the protocols have been violated. Barca rejected the idea of ​​a violation on the grounds that all players work in the same bubble every day.