Genoa-Milan 0-3, AC Milan trio at Marassi

After the defeats against Fiorentina and Sassuolo, Milan returned to success in the league by winning 3-0 at Marassi against Genoa. The Rossoneri, who faced the former Shevchenko on the rossoblù bench, steered the match in the first half thanks to Ibrahimovic’s goal on a free-kick in the 10th minute and the doubling of Messias in the 47th minute. The Brazilian scores the brace in the 60th minute. The classification sees the Rossoneri overtake Inter again with 35 points, one less than the leaders Napoli stopped at 2-2 in Reggio Emilia by Sassuolo. Third last the Ligurian team with 10 points. The match started badly for Milan who immediately lost Kjaer due to a knee injury, the Dane was forced to go out on a stretcher, in his place Gabbia. At 10 ‘free-kick from the edge for Milan, Ibrahimovic goes to serve who with a very angled shot mocked Sirigu on the far post. Milan again at 16 ‘, Messias serves Ibra early at the time of the shot. On the corner, after a hit and hit Ibrahimovic on the fly sees the conclusion walled up. It is Milan to play the match against Genoa which seems shaken by the goal conceded. At 27 ‘Genoa shows up with a shot from outside Rovella not by much. On the other front, percussion by Brahim Diaz who dribbled two defenders and extended the ball to the last. Milan again, Messias left in Sirigu’s arms. Milan restart with Brahim Diaz who disorientates the defender in marking and lets go of a tracer that touches the crossbar. In the recovery, Milan doubles, on a bell tower ball on a rebound for an attempt by Krunic Messias is ready to head to mock Sirigu on the far post. The recovery begins with news in the two formations, in Genoa in Hernani instead of Sturato. In Milan, space for Florenzi for Gabbia. Rossoneri immediately dangerous, penalty in motion for Ibra who kicks high. On the opposite front, a great intervention by Maignan who saves on Ekuban’s gore by removing the sphere destined for the intersection with a great blow of the kidneys. In the 55th minute right on Krunic’s far post, ball abundantly to the side. Out Ibra for Pellegri. At 60 ‘Milan drops the trio, always with Messias, served by Brahim Diaz, the Brazilian with a shot of billiards slips with a low shot Sirigu on the far post. At 80 ‘Portanova sees Maignan out of the posts and tries to mock him from distance with a lob but the Frenchman raises over the crossbar. The match has nothing more to say: it ends 3-0 for the Rossoneri.

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