Blue head to head in the Atlantic, two Italians leading the Mini Transat

Two years after the historic victory of Ambrogio Beccaria, the first Italian to win the Mini Transat with a standard hull after decades of French domination, two other Italians risk bringing the blue colors a little further in the regatta dedicated to 650 centimeters long hulls. . At the head of the second leg of the regatta, the one between the Canary Islands and the Caribbean, there are Gianmarco Sardi known as “Mambo” on Antistene Aics, with a fine dust detector on board for monitoring the environment in the open ocean, and Alberto Riva on Acrobatic Building. At the arrival in Guadeloupe there are less than 800 miles and the two are detached, according to the latest tracking of 12 GMT, just half a mile, less than a kilometer. It is still too early to say who will win the transatlantic mini-hull, because the first stage was overwhelmed by protests – in sailor jargon the definition for appeals – of the participants for the stop in Portugal imposed by the organization due to a storm. The protests focus on the organization’s botched management of the stop, which did not impose it but only strongly supported it. Some of the competitors did not stop and the majority did, hence the confusion on the ranking, according to the applicants falsified. From the organization of the regatta there is still no signal on the outcome of the appeals. In the first stage, the first of the Italians to cross the finish line was Riva, twelfth in real time, about 42 hours from the first, the 19-year-old German Melwin Fink, the youngest ever to win a stage of the Mini Transat and one of the sailors who did not join the Portuguese stop.

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