Eitan Biran, Hasbani (Jewish Community of Milan): “right sentence from Tel Aviv”

The Tel Aviv Family Court, which decided on Eitan Biran’s return to Italy from her maternal aunt, issued “a just sentence, which also reflects the decisions of the Italian judge”. This was stated by Milo Hasbani, president of the Jewish Community of Milan, contacted by Adnkronos. “I had no doubts that Israeli justice would issue such a sentence.” Now for Hasbani, mending the rift between families, as requested by the Tel Aviv court, “is absolutely necessary for the good of the child. As a Jewish community since May we have always made ourselves available to both families, without distinction. We always have talked to both families. We must resume relations also for the boy’s good “. According to the president of the Jewish Community of Milan, the appeal announced by the paternal family that brought Eitan to Israel “could complicate things and relationships. We just have to hope that time will take its course and that a way will be found to carry on relationships. “. And in order for the paternal family to continue to see the child, “the problems must be resolved” between the two families. And the Jewish community of Milan is ready to act as a bridge between the parties. “They never asked us – Hasbani explains – but if they did, the Jewish community is always available through the rabbinate and the presidency. What we can do to find a solution will certainly be done”.