Forza Nuova, Castellino: “I didn’t want to attack the CGIL, but only ‘besiege’ it from the outside”

“Neither I nor my co-defendants, nor any of the organizers of the 9 October demonstration had any intention of ‘assaulting’, I use the term used by the media, the CGIL”. Thus begins, without mincing words or preambles, the letter (Read) that the Forza Nuova leader Giuliano Castellino writes to the Adnkronos from the Poggioreale prison, where he is being held together with Roberto Fiore and other far-right militants after the clashes in Rome. . “I did not set foot inside the CGIL – he writes with a rounded and reassuring handwriting – our intent was to besiege, that is to reach under the building and out there, not inside, to call Landini and open a political dialogue with him on the green pass. I wanted to ask Landini to proclaim a general strike in defense of the workers. This position shows that it was not our intention to enter the palace. We just wanted to enter the courtyard: I only entered the courtyard, reaching under the stairs, without ever going inside “. As for the premises of the union headquarters, Castellino still specifies in the letter to Adnkronos:” I think at most it has been damaged part of the entry of the CGIL, certainly not devastated. But this will be demonstrated in the appropriate places, the courts. Finally, I believe that, once the media tribunal is over, it will be easier to re-establish political, judicial truths and criminal responsibilities that are always personal “.