The compulsory green pass on work from 15 October, provided for by the latest decree for public and private employees, is getting closer and closer and the spotlights in particular turn on the tampons, which are essential to have the green pass without having received the vaccine. The rules provide that the green pass can be issued in the event of a negative swab performed 48 hours earlier. Regions are keen to ask for the duration to be extended to 72 hours. In some productive sectors an adaptation of the rules is called for. “As written, the law that will come into force on October 15 is inapplicable”, says Luigi Scordamaglia, managing director of Filiera Italia, which groups together pillars of the agri-food sector. “We have always supported the green pass – continues the councilor – as a transition tool towards carpet vaccination, a tool to empower those who do not get vaccinated by ideology. The absurd rules on privacy, however, prevent the company from registering those who have the green pass. – adds Scordamaglia – making any automation in entry controls inapplicable and loading companies with impossible work and responsibilities “. SWABS AND GREEN PASS The green pass decree provides free covid swabs for fragile subjects who cannot get vaccinated. Prices of calmierated tampons for other citizens. They drop to 15 and 8 euros until 31 December, the date on which the state of emergency should end, with an expansion for pharmacies. For all the frail who cannot get vaccinated it will be free, while it will be set at 8 euros for those under 18 and 15 euros for all others.
GREEN PASS, WHO IS IT The Green pass is for citizens over the age of 12 who fall into one of the 3 categories: having received the coronavirus vaccine; be negative on the rapid molecular or antigen test within the last 48 hours; be healed from Covid 19 in the past six months. The green certification is generated automatically and made available free of charge in the following cases: having carried out the first dose or single-dose vaccine for at least 15 days; have completed the vaccination course; have tested negative for a molecular or rapid swab within the previous 48 hours; be healed of Covid in the previous six months GREEN PASS, FOR THOSE WHO IS NOT MANDATORY The Green pass is not mandatory for: – children under 12, excluded by age from the vaccination campaign – subjects exempt from vaccination for health reasons on the basis of suitable medical certification. Until 30 September 2021, the exemption certificates in paper format issued, free of charge, by vaccinating doctors of the vaccination services of the companies and bodies of regional health services or by general practitioners or pediatricians of free choice of the patient can be used. operating as part of the national anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaign, according to the procedures and on the basis of precautions and contraindications defined by the Ministry of Health Circular of 4 August 2021. Vaccine exemption certificates already issued by the Services are valid. regional health care always up to 30 September; – citizens who have received the ReiThera vaccine (one or two doses) as part of the Covitar trial. The certification, valid until 30 September 2021, will be issued by the doctor in charge of the trial center in which it was carried out on the basis of the Circular of the Ministry of Health 5 August 2021. download – as well as print – through various digital channels. The sources are different: on the dedicated site; through the website of the regional electronic health record; on the Immuni app; with the IO app. For those who have difficulty or unavailability in the use of these digital tools, general practitioners, pediatricians of free choice and pharmacists who have access to the health card system will be involved. For more information, you can visit the website specially created by the government ( or contact the toll-free number of the Immuni App at 800.91.24.91 active every day from 8 to 20.GREEN PASS, QUANTO The Green pass in Italy is intended to have a duration of 12 months. In fact, the CTS has given the green light to the extension from 9 months to one year of the expiry date of the covid-19 green certificate. According to the rules initially established, the validity of the document was linked to the method of issuing the document. In cases of negative swab, Covid certificate generated in a few hours and valid for 48 hours from the time of collection. In cases of healing, generated within the following day and valid for 180 days.GREEN PASS, FINES AND SANCTIONS What risks the worker who does not have it? With the introduction of the obligation, fines of up to 1,500 euros are foreseen for those found without a certificate. More specifically, “access of personnel to the workplace” without the Green Pass is punished with an “administrative sanction of payment of a sum of between 600 and 1,500 euros”. Unpaid workers who present themselves at the workplace without the Green Pass. The employee without a vaccination passport is, in fact, “considered unjustified absent until the presentation of the aforementioned certification and, in any case, no later than 31 December 2021, term of termination of the state of emergency, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to retain the employment relationship. For the days of unjustified absence referred to in the first period, no remuneration or other remuneration or emolument is due, however called “Fines not only for employees but also for employers who do not control. The legislative decree approved by the Council of Ministers today on the extension of the vaccination passport foresees in fact that they are to check, with fines – for those who do not – ranging from 400 to a thousand euros.
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