School: Giannelli (principals), ‘Institute Council elections? ‘Face-to-face voting only with Green pass’

By October 31st, the Boards of the Institute must be renewed in all schools, representative bodies essential to guarantee free discussion between all the components of the school, in which the representation of teachers, students, parents and non-teaching staff is always provided. . Voting starts next week. And the dilemma arises again regarding parents who want to vote face-to-face: Green pass yes or green pass no? The National Association of principals has no doubts about the interpretation of the circular of last October 6 from the Ministry of Education to the regional school offices (subject ‘Elections of collegiate bodies at school level-as 2021/20222): “Parents to enter at school and to vote they must present the Green pass. We clarified this in an internal note to our members immediately, on October 7. The elections of the collegial bodies are school activities, not didactic therefore fall within the provision of the decree 111 of August “, he comments. ‘Adnkronos the president Antonello Giannelli. In fact, the note of the NPC reads: “In case of carrying out voting operations in presence, the access of voters to the school structure must take place, as expressly referred to in the aforementioned note, according to the provisions of Legislative Decree 111/2021, converted from Law 133/2021. This implies, therefore, the verification, by the school, of the green certification as required by art. 9-ter.1, paragraphs 1 and 3, of Legislative Decree 52/2021 “. “It is improper – Giannelli specifies – any comparison with the administrative elections which are subject to separate regulations”. Isn’t the right to vote in the presence of those without a Green pass hindered? “Rights are always in conflict with each other, jurisprudence serves to reconcile them. I find it right to show the Green pass because the school service is standing at that moment, not suspended as for the administrative ones. We must not establish improper parallels”. Could a free swab for parents who want to vote face-to-face be a solution? “Absolutely not. They had the opportunity of the vaccine, pay the swab.” (by Roberta Lanzara)