Third dose of anti-Covid vaccine for all the ‘frail’ and for the over 60s after at least 6 months from completing the first cycle. While there are still 8.4 million Italians over 12 who have not received any dose, the new circular has been issued by the Ministry of Health which, in the light of the latest Ema resolutions, widens the audience of people who can receive the recall . However, according to the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Gianni Rezza, “for now there is no idea of a universal appeal to the entire population”. Meanwhile, the Rt index remains stable at 0.83, while the incidence is down to 34 weekly cases per hundred thousand inhabitants against 37 per hundred thousand seven days ago. And Sicily returns to the white zone from today. Read also CIRCULAR MINISTRY OF HEALTH The Ministry of Health expands the audience of the population that can receive the third dose of the vaccine against Covid. “In light of the latest EMA resolutions, the green light for the third dose (booster) of vaccine for the frail of all ages and for all over 60s, always after at least six months from the completion of the primary vaccination cycle”, reads a press release from Ministry of Health announcing the circular issued yesterday evening. INCIDENCE DOWN, STABLE RT “The weekly incidence at national level is decreasing: 34 per 100 thousand inhabitants (1-7 September) against 37 per 100 thousand inhabitants (24-30 September), data from the Ministry of Health. finds below the weekly threshold of 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants which can allow the control of transmission based on containment or on the identification of cases and the tracing of their contacts “, underlines the ISS in the summary.” In the period 15 – 28 September, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 0.83 (range 0.81 – 0.86), below the epidemic threshold and stable compared to the previous week. on cases with hospitalization (Rt 0.80 at September 28 versus Rt 0.80 at September 21) “, explains the report. REZZA: THIRD DOSE NOT FOR EVERYONE “For the moment there is no thought of a generalized, universal recall, to be carried out on the whole population, also because many young people were vaccinated very recently and certainly do not need it”. This was announced by the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza. As for the fact that the EMA said it was in favor of the third dose for the entire population over 18, Rezza specified that “favorable” means “that there is the possibility of vaccinating with a booster booster”. THREE MILLION OVER 50 ARE NOT VACCINATED Nearly 3 million over 50s in Italy have not received even the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. In detail, there are 2,987,859 over 50 who have not yet undergone the first dose of the anti-covid vaccine, according to the weekly report released by the coronavirus emergency commissioner, led by General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo. The most discovered group is that between 50 and 59 years. In particular, 229,844 over 80s have not yet started the vaccination cycle. Between 70 and 70 years, the unvaccinated are almost half a million: 483,149 people. The number rises to 839,670 in the age group 60-69 and to the figure of 1,435,196 in the age bracket 50-59. On the other hand, 1,408,268 (30.43%) children between the ages of 12 and 19 who have not yet undergone the first dose of anti-covid vaccine, according to the weekly report. While 2,873,666 young people are immunized, equal to 62.10% of the entire population in the same age group. SICILY RETURNS TO THE WHITE ZONE, ORDER SIGNED Sicily returns to the white zone, abandoning more restrictive limits and measures of the yellow zone. The announcement of the passage in the white area came from the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. “I have just signed the ordinance that brings Sicily back to the white area” the Minister of Health communicated via social media, inviting everyone to “continue on this path”. The ordinance will come into effect from today. “After the choices on capacities, the path of gradual reopening continues. All this is possible thanks to vaccines and the correct behavior of people. We must continue on this path”, underlined the Minister of Health.
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