Reopening and capacity, no more distancing in theaters and cinemas

With the capacity allowed of 100% for cinemas, theaters and other places of culture, the interpersonal distance of one meter is effectively abolished. The new anti-covid measures decided by the Council of Ministers, with less stringent rules than those suggested by the CTS, will come into force on 11 October and will allow people to regain the sociality lost with the epidemic. Read also THEATERS, CINEMAS, CONCERTS More specifically, in the white area, for shows open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment venues and live music and in other clubs or spaces, even outdoors, the capacity allowed is 100% of the maximum authorized both outdoors and indoors. Furthermore, access is only allowed to subjects with one of the Covid-19 green certifications. With this measure, the government went beyond the CTS indications of a capacity of 80%, thus abolishing the interpersonal distance of one meter. DISCOS The capacity in dance halls, discos and similar venues cannot exceed 75% of the maximum authorized outdoors and 50% indoors. In closed rooms, the presence of ventilation systems without air recirculation must be guaranteed. STADIUMS AND SPORTS For stadiums and sports halls, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 75% of the maximum authorized outdoors and 60% indoors in the white area: obviously entry is allowed only to people with a green pass. The CTS, however, addresses a recommendation to everyone: “The capacity in the systems must be respected by using all the sectors and not just a part, in order to avoid the occurrence of gatherings in some areas. The indications for the use of masks are respected. surgical procedures during all phases of events “.