Covid, Pregliasco: “School effect escaped but returning to work is scarier”

“For now we have escaped the school effect, it is clear that every day that passes there is an accumulation so it is not over but there has not been a boom. The protocols and the consequent attentions have worked even if some Dad c ‘And”. Now, however, it is the return to work that “scares school the most”. Virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, a professor at the State University of Milan, says this to Adnkronos Salute, talking about the Covid situation in Italy. The virologist makes a numerical question: the more people on the move, the more likely they are to get infected. In the school “8 million are young people plus 2 million teachers, 10 million people” while only private workers will be 15 million. “And then – adds the expert – there is a more complex dynamic which is also that of commuting which is then the crucial element for the contagion”. We will therefore have to wait for November to see if the dreaded Covid tail blow will arrive. “Maybe a tap – he says – and all this can be managed, but it is likely that it will come”. After the government decree that eases anti-Covid measures, bringing the capacities of cultural spaces back to 100% in the white zone and 50% for indoor discos, Pregliasco then observes that “the indications of the Cts”, the technical-scientific committee for the Covid emergency “had been a little more prudent, the choice of politicians was to dare a little more, but not too much, giving a positive message given the epidemiological situation. In this way, however, in my opinion, by pouring on us citizens the responsibility to continue to behave with common sense and not to think that it is all over and we can go ‘ to the great ‘without the attention of before “.” I believe – says the expert at Adnkronos Salute – that there is a responsible behavior on the part of the majority of citizens that therefore, in some way, can guarantee a more civil coexistence with this virus, also al the light of a potential tail shot that could come with winter and all reopening. So – reiterates Pregliasco – is a relaunched responsibility to citizens. And this is because there is no manual, we cannot prove that there really is a difference between a capacity of 35 or 50%. “The distance of one meter eliminated?” If we all keep some common sense even if we don’t there is a meter, there will be hand washing, attention not to crowd all together “. And in any case when you are in the theater or at the concert” the risk is less because you stay still in religious silence “.