Covid today Italy, Civil Protection bulletin and regional contagion numbers 8 October

The bulletin with Covid data in Italy today, Friday 8 October 2021, with data and news from the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health – region by region – on infections, hospitalizations, deaths while the Rt index remains stable. The numbers from Sicily in the white zone according to the ordinance with new rules, from Lombardy and Puglia, from Lazio and Campania, from Tuscany and Veneto, while in the country there is discussion of green pass possibly extended to private work, vaccination obligation and third dose. The numbers of big cities like Rome, Milan and Naples. The point about vaccines in Italy. The data of the regions: APULIA There are 113 coronavirus infections in Puglia today, 8 October 2021, according to numbers and data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded 4 more deaths. The new infections were detected on 11,664 swabs. There are 39 cases in the province of Bari and 30 in the province of Foggia. Currently positive people are 2,410. There are 135 covid patients hospitalized in a non-critical area. In intensive care, however, 20 people. TUSCANY There are 275 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 8 October 2021, according to the numbers of the regional bulletin anticipated by the governor Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 275 out of 17,515 tests, of which 8,108 molecular swabs and 9,407 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 1.57% (3.7% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani on social media, adding that the vaccines currently administered are 5,559,258.