2021 Colombe d’Oro Disarmament Archive Award for Peace

The Golden Doves for Peace Prize, organized by Archivio Disarmo with the support of the Cooperatives belonging to Legacoop, reaches its XXXVII edition. This year’s Golden Doves have as their red thread the conflicts that attack the South of the world, in particular that enlarged Middle East plagued by political violence, the absence of democracy and violations of human rights. Journalists will be awarded in Rome on 13 October: Giulia Bosetti, correspondent and co-author of numerous investigations of the Rai television program “Presadiretta”, in 2021 she edited – together with Marianna De Marzi, Pablo Castellani, Raffaele Manco and Alessandro Marcelli – the investigation into the business of Italian arms exports. Giulia Bosetti observes: The dictatorship of arms is a state in itself, a transversal state that puts itself at the service of profit and escapes national and supranational laws. With my work I have tried to give a voice to those who fight for trampled human rights like Patrick Zaki and to those who have lost their lives like Giulio Regeni, in Egypt, Kurdistan, Yemen; I want to dedicate this award and its important message of peace to them. Irpi – Investigative Reporting Project Italy, the first Italian non-profit investigative journalism center, carries out independent investigations in a transnational perspective on mafias, corruption, environment and human rights. The award will be received by Lorenzo Bagnoli and Giulio Rubino, members of the IRPI Board of Directors, who declare: Knowing to represent values ​​such as peace and nonviolence is the best certificate of esteem we could ask for. IrpiMedia, our newspaper, has been online for a year and a half and knowing that among the public we can count on a community like that of Archivio Disarmo gives us an incentive to continue with our commitment. Francesca Mannocchi, journalist and documentary maker, has been collaborating for years with national and foreign newspapers dealing with migration and conflicts through reports and videos from crisis areas. Mannocchi says: Receiving this award is an honor and a responsibility. Especially in months like these during which, once again, we are faced with the cost of wars and the paradox of the costs of the ceasefire. This is the case in Afghanistan, where the price of apparent calm is the sacrifice of rights for young women, children, activists and ordinary citizens, once again hostage to an obscurantist regime. An award like this reminds me of the primary function of our profession: the exercise of criticism. The attempt, sometimes made of stumbles, not to stop at the mere chronicle of events but to try to connect the dots in time and space.The Jury – formed by Fabrizio Battistelli, Dora Iacobelli, Riccardo Iacona, Dacia Maraini, Andrea Riccardi and Tana de Zulueta – also awarded two international golden doves. One to Amani El Nasif, a girl from Bassano del Grappa of Syrian origin. After she was segregated for thirteen months at the age of 16 because she was betrothed to a cousin, she now writes and testifies to the problem of forced marriages. presentations in cities and bookstores throughout Italy, I wondered how much my message, my battle sprouted within them. Today, I know that I have reached more hearts than I could have imagined. This battle belongs to all of us, not just to those who live these dramatic experiences firsthand. We make the change together, when you too will talk about this experience, of clinging to life fighting against a destiny against all moral principles. The other international prize was awarded to Alidad Shiri, a young Afghan who, after an interminable flight that lasted four years, has finally managed to arrive in Italy, where he now lives, studies and writes. Shiri says: I feel this recognition as an encouragement not only for me, but for many and many, men and women, who not only in Afghanistan, but around the world, fight with the culture of non-violence, against fundamentalists of all kind of destroying instead of saving lives. I am the fruit of the many people who accompanied me on the long path of formation that led me to a new life and a rebirth beyond my dreams. I dedicate this award above all to all the women and young girls who are living under oppression in these days so that they may find the strength together to react in a non-violent way; and to the many people who have supported me in silence in recent years. The Golden Dove for Peace, the work of the “sculptor of the Popes” Pericle Fazzini, is awarded every year to personalities from the world of information who have distinguished themselves in making known virtuous cases of non-violent conflict management and international cooperation and who, in civil society, have become bearers of ideals of empathy, solidarity and dialogue between people.