Circeo massacre, Izzo: “Is Catholic school film released? Morbid and boring story, it was just filth”

“I was able to carefully read that ‘brick’ of Albinati’s book ‘La scuola Cattolica’ (1300 pages!) And honestly it seemed to me the usual story full of platitudes and clichés. After all, if Albinati was a student of San Leo the Great, which I have no memory of, certainly was not my friend or even my acquaintance, so I can’t understand how he can ‘pontificate’ on me, since we have never even spoken to each other. ” cinematographic the film based on the book by Albinati inspired by the Circeo massacre, Angelo Izzo, from prison, comments with the Adnkronos a work that sees him in spite of himself as protagonist. The ‘monster of Circeo’ distances himself from those who want to attribute to the ‘ priests of the Catholic school ‘responsibility for the unprecedented violence that saw him as a protagonist and which cost the life of one of the two girls he tortured along with his two associates: “They want to pass it off as a historical fact. It was rubbish, full stop “, he admits. When the film and the series that should be about it,” I think it will be works that will re-propose the usual somewhat morbid and quite boring story. A concentration of falsehoods and clichés – he says. “Obviously, for defensive reasons, my co-defendants and I at the time put things in the minutes as it suited us. For example, it was never really ascertained the presence of other people, including a woman, in the Circeo villa. It is incredible that we want to make a story based on a story that is devoid of any foundation, built on a series of falsehoods that Gianni Guido and I have mostly made up with our trusted lawyers, who defended us at the time of the trial “. “There was a lot of ranting about Gianni Guido’s trip to Rome during the Circeo events, imagining a family so strict that at the age of twenty they wouldn’t allow Gianni to dine outside the home. But he had gone to Rome to bring a friend to the villa del Circeo, where the violence was taking place. This fact is coupled with the supernumerary rib, also by Gianni, a nonsense since this extra rib is not there. the media and public opinion “. ‘We told the prosecutors what suited us, never ascertained the presence of women'” Over the years I have been attributed statements that I have never made, accusations against journalists never even known, according to some press my reports would have ended up in the hands of the Soviets. I would even have issued statements together with Marco Pannella, whom I have never seen in person, on the poor quality of methadone spent in prison. I, who in so many years in a cell have never pr or even a sleeping pill or any medicine … “, says Izzo. “For the rest, Pasolini, one and only, in his last ‘Lutheran letter’ responding in particular to Italo Calvino, wrote ‘I have to say that you create scapegoats that are part of the bourgeoisie, Rome, the neofascists . (…) Well the poor of the Roman villages, that is, the young people of the people can do and actually do (as the chronicles say with frightening clarity) what the young people of Parioli did, with the exact same spirit that is the object of your description. The young people of the suburbs of Rome have hundreds of orgies every evening, they call them batteries, similar to those of Circeo ‘. Pasolini was unsettling and totally ignored “, he underlines.” By now, almost half a century later what was written by the great intellectual destined to be murdered in a few weeks, has stood the test of time, while the abstruse theories that have made the Circeo crime a paradigmatic case, have all turned out to be more or less hoaxes . In fact, only authors who are really short of ideas can re-propose the theories that they want to be responsible for young people educated by Catholic schools and by families who are absent or themselves calibrated, who took it out on poor townships. In short, the usual story that has been told in recent decades. There is even a comic aspect in the rivers of words that have been spent by the media tour company since they are based on invented assumptions “. ‘In book and film my atrocities, misdirections not to mention violence against women’ , “I think that reproposing in certain terms the atrocities I have committed is a kind of ‘misdirection’ to avoid dealing with violence against women, to unload the bad conscience of many on ‘monsters'”, he says the ‘monster’ of Circeo, who quotes on this point an article by Dacia Maraini on ‘his’ massacre and observes: “What no one said is that violence against women is a daily, common, mass occurrence. No newspaper has talked about this continued, atrocious, silent, blackmail, subtle, habitual violence that is carried out on the body and soul of women, a violence that takes place in families, in public places, in bedrooms, in the streets. , in the public gardens. And not always and only by the work of neo-fascists, rich, spoiled, but by the hands of fathers, children, brothers, boyfriends and husbands belonging to all social classes, because, unfortunately, the patriarchal culture, far from being outdated, is still preeminent in the our society and women are still considered by many of the objects. “” It repels me in 2021 that old stories are reopened destined to vellify the forklifting instincts and the bad conscience of the ‘people’, to earn some money. There is really no need to continue to mythologize the Circeo crime by transforming it into a kind of historical fact, which it is not. It was rubbish, full stop “, Izzo urges, who judges” repugnant to try to attribute my faults or those of my associates to the priests of my former San Leone Magno school. ” nonsense: I remember the Marist brothers as excellent people and I don’t have a negative memory of them I need to try hard “, he says, recalling that at San Leone they also studied very high personalities. to my other lawyers if we detect the terms, to bring a lawsuit for damages against the producer “of the film, announces, and concludes:” I would donate any reimbursement to charity to help needy children in Africa “. (by Silvia Mancinelli )