Crisanti: “Third dose of vaccine for everyone and a 6-month green pass”

Third dose of covid vaccine for everyone and 6 months green pass. These are the indications of Professor Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua, at Adnkronos Salute. The third dose, he says, “has to involve pretty much everyone. It has to be a third dose that goes over everything we did with the first and second. Otherwise we won’t have the coverage we need.” And if the booster dose is administered starting from 6 months after completing the primary vaccination cycle, “it is unthinkable to wait for the 12 months of the expiry of the Green pass – the virologist reasons – The Green pass from the point of view of public health it makes sense. If we want to make it a public health tool, the Green pass must last 6 months “and therefore be renewed after the recall. Read also “In Italy the covid situation is positive at this moment. We have to ask ourselves: why are we different from England? Why did we get vaccinated later. If this is probably the most plausible reason, then it is clear that a program will be carried out. systematic vaccination that also includes the third dose. Otherwise “, with all the activities restarting,” we would get to a worse situation than England in the space of 4 months “, he adds, reiterating the importance of maintaining constant vaccination coverage. when the meshes are widened for the resumption of the various activities, he warns, “one thing must be kept in mind: that achieving a balance like that of England, which has 30-40 thousand cases a day and 150 daily deaths, socially and ethically I do not think something acceptable for a long time. ” It means, “that every year we would have about 55 thousand Covid deaths, that is a number equal to 9% of all annual deaths in a country. And I do not think that it is acceptable to have such a high burden. Because then in the end there are problems of this type, ethics and social acceptability “. In these hours we are discussing the reopening of discos and increasing the capineza in the stadiums. “The reopening of discos, as well as increasing the capacity of the stadiums, are actions that cannot be separated from a systematic anti-Covid vaccination program that also includes the third dose”, he says, insisting on the same trend. “All the measures – he underlines – must be taken on the basis of two factors: the current epidemiological situation and its evolutionary perspective. The current situation is certainly positive because we have few deaths a day, around 30-40, which certainly reflect transmission levels. low “. But looking at the possible future evolution, for the expert it is necessary to avoid increasing the numbers by keeping vaccination coverage constant” If measures such as the opening of discos and the increase in capacity “compared to those currently envisaged” are accompanied by a third dose vaccination plan for the frail, the elderly, and for all those who make sense.