Aieop projects for young cancer patients – Video

The smiles of young cancer patients. A video promotes the projects of the AIEOP Working Group – The Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology – dedicated to adolescents is trying to carry on the successful model of the Youth Project of Pediatrics of the National Cancer Institute of Milan, of which it is responsible Dr. Andrea Ferrari. The AIEOP is the scientific society that in Italy, for over 40 years, has been dealing with children and adolescents with onco-haematological diseases. FIAGOP is the National Federation of Parent Associations established in the various AIEOP centers and has the objective of creating synergies between the Confederate Associations, promoting awareness about pediatric oncohematological diseases, supporting research, assisting sick children and their families. AIEOP, the Adolescent Working Group specifically deals with the problems of adolescent patients, who due to their clinical and psycho-social characteristics represent a special category of patients that requires dedicated projects The video was made with the words and smiles of the boys from Aviano, Bari, Bologna, Catania, Lecce, Milan, Monza, Padua, Pisa, Rome, Turin and was presented during the XLVI National Congress of AIEOP, in the symposium on adolescents and young adults with cancer.