Sustainability: Meritocrazia Italia, ‘the circular economy is a reality’

“The recent Reports of the European Commission and of the main international organizations have long revealed the need to develop adequate measures aimed at facilitating the transition from the linear economy model, currently prevalent, to that of the circular economy, for dynamics of sustainability and competitiveness and a use efficient (also) water resources. It is certainly among the priorities of the moment, given that Italy is particularly exposed to global warming and prolonged droughts. It is estimated, in fact, that for each additional degree of temperature, the water resource it is hit by 20%. Thus in a well-known Italian Meritocracy “. Thus in a well-known Meritocrazia Italia according to which “a systemic and holistic approach would be fundamental, for new business standards, circular and inter-sectoral, of the water industry. urban, to interact advantageously with related sectors, such as energy, agriculture or building materials “. “However, the obstacles along the circular economy paths are today numerous: inadequate incentive policies, consumer acceptance and social perception, economy of scale, standardization and quality / competitiveness of recoverable resources and maturity, reliability and technological diffusion” , continues Meritocrazia Italia for which “it would be appropriate to introduce new forms of subsidized financing through traditional channels or through stakeholder platforms, such as that of phosphorus, just launched in Italy (the platform can synergistically integrate the interests of all representative groups, in a virtuous and sustainable way, and facilitate the definition of shared strategies and programs for adequate policies, regulations and governance models, also by overcoming the legislative and / or regulatory barriers to the circular economy. knowledge and awareness of citizens, e nti and companies) “. And again, “encourage the numerous market niches and innovative public-private partnerships that create innovation and act as a virtuous model, supporting the regulatory and legislative process; aiming at mechanisms capable of integrating existing systems and infrastructures, recovering material, as an added value, in a context with a lower energy and carbon footprint; to borrow the European model called Innovation Deal also in Italy (which aims to overcome barriers through voluntary actions – or without any economic financing – limited in time and well planned, where all participants actively cooperate; the work plan must include well-defined deadlines and must be completed usually in 1-2 years, with the transparent signing of a formal declaration of intent) “.

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