The origins of the coronavirus? “There is little to say: the virus is Chinese because that is where it was born and there it developed”. But “the Chinese in 2000 were silent at least 6 months before talking about the SARS virus, and in this case they were silent at least three months because it was already present in September 2019”. This was underlined by the president of Aifa Giorgio Palù during the press point of the Veneto Region, retracing the history of the mutations of Sars-Cov-2. “The South African variant and the Brazilian variant – he added -, are important because they increase the diffusion factor and resist antibodies. The South African variant is the most worrying because it spreads more, 3 to 5 times than the others, but the vaccines work “. “The Indian variant: it is the sum of two variants that have spread. There are about twenty papers that some say that it is more contagious, others that say that it is less. There is still no scientific evidence confirming that this variant is more virulent and lethal – he stressed -. The English variant is now the dominate one, in our country it is above 91% of cases, while the South African is decreasing and for the Nigerian there are only a few cases “, he explained.