Rsa, relatives demonstration in front of structures on Sunday: “Let us in”

Reopen the RSA to relatives. This is what Orsan, Open RSA Now and #RSAaperte, the committees of family members of the patients in the healthcare residences are asking, announcing that “Sunday 9 May on Mother’s Day, at 9 in the morning we will all present ourselves in front of the gates of the RSA Italians with 9 red roses and the result of a negative antigenic pad and if they won’t let us in we will go directly to file a report for kidnapping at the Police Forces “. Read also “We hope it is not necessary – Dario Francolino, President Orsan and spokesman of both committees, tells Adnkronos Salute – But if the announced government order for reopening does not arrive, and until I see it I don’t believe it – Francolino affirms – it will be a necessary act “. Dario Francolino, president of Orsan, Open RSA Now, then appeals to the Minister of Health asking him to speed up the national ordinance for the reopening of RSAs to visits in the presence of relatives of the patients. “Minister Speranza we appeal to you: write the text and promulgate it by this afternoon”, he asks. Not only that. Orsan and #RSAaperte ask for “a confrontation and an urgent meeting with Minister Speranza to illustrate the gravity of the situation. It is chaos – says Francolino – every Region and every RSA in the absence of the national ordinance proceeds independently. I am going to meet mine mother and I will still see her behind a plastic sheet while the RSA, next to the one in which she is hospitalized, lets her family in by carrying out the rapid swab on the spot and at its own expense. – he concludes – it is unacceptable “. Francolino continues: “Just as President Draghi said with simplicity that tourists can enter Italy with a negative buffer made for 48 hours, we with the same simplicity ask to be able to be tourists in the RSA, being able to enter by presenting a negative buffer” . While a government ordinance is expected ad horas that requires all health departments of the structures to reopen the doors to face-to-face visits, the pressure of the family committee continues which, Francolino tells Adnkronos Salute, continues to “receive testimonies disturbing and at times heartbreaking of those who continue to be denied the right to meet their loved ones. The thing that moved me most – he says – were the messages of encouragement from those who told us’ we hope you make it but for me it is late, yesterday my mother died alone without my being able to say goodbye ‘. These are serious things and every hour is an hour late “.