Burioni: “Safe covid vaccines, they have avoided tragedy”

“The vaccines are very effective and extremely safe, they averted a terrible tragedy. Did anyone die from the vaccine? Yes, probably a person in New Zealand died of myocarditis.” Professor Roberto Burioni is back on TV, in the living room of Che tempo che fa, breaking the television silence that had lasted since May. The virologist takes stock of the coronavirus emergency focusing above all on the vaccine. “We have a much more contagious virus than last year. The vaccines are very effective and extremely safe, they have prevented a terrible tragedy. I don’t even want to imagine what our country and the whole world would have been like without the vaccines. It is difficult to find someone for it. which is not recommended the vaccine. Pregnant women tend not to administer it in the first 3 months because it could cause fever. And the fever, regardless of what is caused, can be dangerous in the period of formation of the baby’s organs ” , Burioni says. “Many people over 50 have not been vaccinated, they are a danger especially for themselves. The infection exposes the individual to the risk of getting into trouble. I am convinced that many of these people are not anti-vaccine fanatics, they are perhaps people who are afraid. Fear is a useful feeling “but” it is also easily evoked. When it is unjustified and when it leads us to omit essential practices for our health, something must be done. We hope to turn the light on the vaccine, “he says giving his ‘lecture’.” Are vaccines safe? They have long-term effects. The certainty of a lack of a long-term negative effect only occurs in the long-term. Nothing makes us suspect that these vaccines have long-term adverse effects. In the history of medicine, there is no vaccine among those used that has had negative long-term effects. The vaccine, like all drugs, has side effects, “he says before dwelling on myocarditis.” Myocarditis occurs rarely, in theory it can be serious. A very large study was conducted on this effect, an inflammation of the heart muscle in the USA: 300 million vaccinations were considered, with 1300 cases of myocarditis. All these people are healed. Has anyone died from the vaccine? Yes, a person in New Zealand probably died of myocarditis. One person out of billions of doses in a year, “he says.” There is a risk, but every year in Italy there are adverse drug reactions that cause the death of 25 people. Other people die from a food allergy, about 30 per year on average. Every year in Italy 25 people die from insect bites. The risk posed by the vaccine is minimal compared to those that are part of our life. To those who are afraid of getting vaccinated, we can say that the only thing to be afraid of is their fear itself. When you drive to the vaccination center, the greatest risk is during the trip. Not for vaccination, “he says.

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