Rome, the mystery of the ‘interrupted pedestrian crossing’ throughout the city

The first part is often freshly painted, and stands out on the visible and well-designed road. But in the middle of the carriageway the drawing stops, disappearing into thin air. This is what happens in many streets of the capital at the pedestrian crossing whose traces, mysteriously, are lost in the middle of the lane. A bizarre and inexplicable phenomenon that could present major elements of danger and which is reported to the Adnkronos, as well as by dozens of astonished citizens, by two exponents of the Brothers of Italy, Enrico Cola and Margherita Bianchi. “That of the pedestrian crossing in the middle is a real mystery, comparable perhaps to the crop circles that suddenly appear without any logical explanation”, affirm Cola and Bianchi, candidates in the next administrative elections in the row of Fratelli d’Italia in II Municipality of Rome, who collected images from all over the city.

From the center to the periphery you can see “zebras that inexplicably interrupt in the middle of the carriageway, and remain unfinished. A situation that creates confusion between pedestrians and motorists, and also opens up a legal front: in the event of an investment in the part of the road without stripes, who compensates users? We ask the Municipality for explanations about this completely new phenomenon in the capital, and which risks having serious repercussions on the road safety front “, continue the two exponents of FdI. Contacted by Adnkronos, Codacons makes it known to be at current of the strange affair and to have already activated for a formal complaint. “On the invisible pedestrian crossings we are preparing a complaint to the Public Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors to shed light on the maintenance of road signs and on the use of public funds by the Municipality and municipalities – says the president Carlo Rienzi – The zebras are discolored too much and too quickly, in some streets they disappear, in others they are so worn as to be barely visible, especially at night or in case of rain. the images we have collected in the last few days in the city demonstrate “.

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